Mysterious World Of Ancient Dwarves
| – The idea that dwarves walked the Earth in ancient times should not be surprising. There is a lot of evidence that beings of very short stature were present in various parts of the ancient world.
For example, we encounter them in America and we know that many ancient Native American legends tell of a group of beings that are commonly referred to as the Little People. These small beings are sometimes said to me spirits, magicians, ferocious dwarves, fairies, or devils, depending on the tribe’s original folklore.
The physical remains of tiny people have been reported found in various locations in the western United States, particularly Montana and Wyoming.
In most cases these small beings were discovered in caves. Examination of the small bodies has been conducted, but the results of the studies have not always been revealed to the public.
One of the most mysterious cases concerns the remarkable Pedro Mummy.
Until this day there are those who ask whether the Pedro Mummy was really lost or is deliberately being hidden from the public.
As previously said, stories of the Little People have been part of the folklore of many cultures in human history. Physical remains of tiny people have been reported found in various locations. Makhunik – known as a 5,000-year-old city of the dwarfs is a very interesting place that requires more scientific investigation.

This ancient city is still shrouded in mystery. After a lapse of 5,000 years since the departure of dwarfs from the city, a large swathe of this prehistoric region lies buried in soil and the migration of Shahdad’s dwarves remains clouded in mystery.

Many would like to know why Shahdad’s dwarves covered the doors of their homes with mud and never returned.

Following the traces of the ancient dwarves we end up in Sri Lanka where in the ancient city of Polonnaruwa vast palaces and temples were guarded by dwarves. Locals believe that these small beings were sinful souls punished for their evil deeds. However, traces indicate that dwarfs were the last descendants of the tribe of little people, inhabiting the jungles of Sri Lanka. Their likenesses, with grotesquely large bellies are depicted on old sculptures and carvings in the region.

In Borneo, there are stories of dwarves who are said to have a strong, stocky body covered with hair. These curious beings avoided daylight and could only be spotted in the evening or at dawn. Locals tell the dwarves seemed to be frightened at the sight of other people. When they saw a human, they fled, spreading their hands like wings, perhaps for balance.
The Cliff of Bandiagara (Land of the Dogons) is located in a remote part of rural Mali, about 80 km east of Mopti. It is a dramatic sandstone cliff, up to 500 metres high that stretches for about 150 km, with a high plateau above and sandy semi-desert plains below.
The cliffs have been settled for at least 2,000 years, although the Dogon people who now occupy the area did not arrive until the 15th century. According to the Dogon people who said their ancestors came from the Sirius star system, there are curious tales of a group of small red-skinned people. They called themselves Adambulu. They were noisy, loved to play, danced, wore masks and reddish colored clothes.
It is said that these mysterious beings had otherworldly powers. Unfortunately, they were regarded as a threat and were chased by locals who were eager to learn more about their secrets and knowledge of magic. The dwarves were forced to build houses very high up on the cliff. These were their homes where they felt safe since members of the tall tribes were unable to reach them.
See also:
- ‘Kingdom Of The Little People’ Located High In The Mountains Of Southern China
- Makhunik – 5,000-Year-Old City Of The Dwarfs
- Enoch – The Initiator – Pre-Flood Messenger Of God
Even modern climbers who tried to reach the caves where the dwarves lived failed to do so. To this date, many of the mysterious caves have never been examined by archaeologists.
There is no doubt that dwarves existed in the ancient world. Sometimes, they were treated with respect and admiration, but in most cases they were unfortunately persecuted due to their different appearance.
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