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Mysterious Structure In Antarctica Vanished From Google Earth – Maybe For A Reason

Cynthia McKanzie – – It’s a bit strange when “something” is clearly visible on Google Earth and then suddenly vanishes the next day.

A mysterious structure in Antarctica identified by a group of alien hunters on YouTube was said to be located at 75° 0’46.98″S 0° 4’52.71”E coordinates. The problem is it’s no longer there, but maybe there is an explanation that can shed light on this mystery.

The sudden disappearance of the unknown structure has sparked a range of conspiracy theories suggesting it had been “blacked-out” to hide something the public was not meant to see.

An “unknown” blacked-out structure in Antarctica has sparked a debate Credit: IG

The YouTube video uploaded by conspiracy page thirdphaseofmoon revealed a row of identical structures lined up in Antarctica on Google Earth. Whatever these odd structures are is unknown, but there are plenty of theories.

Blake Cousins, who runs the YouTube channel said he thinks they may be parts of an “ancient alien city”. Before being removed from Google Earth, the 2,000 meters-long structure was visible, but “appears to have undergone a dramatic change, with an apparent “airstrip” vanishing between 2015 and 2016,” Express UK reports.

I have never seen anything like this before. This place gets more bizarre as we go through it.

Are they some kind of machine or detection device? Is it something Google Earth doesn’t want you to see?” Blake Cousins said.

He also rules out the possibility the mysterious structure was some natural phenomenon created by weather.

“It looks like each point has its own entrance like it’s some sort of tunnel. Perhaps there is a subterranean city below,” he said.

Cousins adds: “It looks like an alien structure. Maybe a hidden base they are unveiling.”

The huge structure also appears to have undergone a dramatic change. Credit: IG

Online viewers suggested that the structure appeared to be “blacked-out” like a government agency had “redacted” the genuine images.

One viewer commented: “Those black areas look to me like they’ve been redacted. You can see colors around the edges which look like there’s something shiny beneath them.”

Another remarked: “The parallel structures remind me of the parallel barriers set up on landing strips to identify the runway for aircraft.

“The large cavernous structure appears to be an aircraft hanger.”

A third simply added that there was “definitely some activity most likely going on over there”.

See also:

Never-Before-Seen Creature Discovered Below The Surface Of Antarctica

Why Did A Giant Hole Appear In The Sea Ice Off Antarctica?

Mystery Of Polynya In Antarctica – What’s Causing This Strange Phenomenon?

In 2018, there were many conspiracy theories about a mysterious structure that was exposed by the melting of Antarctic ice. Some speculated it was either an alien base or an unknown ancient artifact. The possibility it was a natural formation was also investigated.

Later, the mysterious structure was identified as a research facility. The structure that has mysteriously vanished from Google Earth this time has the same coordinates.

According to Dr. Michael Salla “the coordinates for the artifact pictured below (75° 0’46.98″S 0° 4’52.71”E) matches Kohnen-Station which is a German summer research facility in Antarctica that opened on January 11, 2001.

It can accommodate up to 20 people and according to Wikipedia, “it is supplied by a convoy of 6 towing vehicles, which carry up to 20 tones each and 17 sledges.”

Credit: Michael Salla

Therefore, it is more than likely that the artifact spotted by Google Earth which shows a total of 22 objects protruding about the ice (see picture), and which have led to much internet speculation are nothing more than logistical equipment covered by snow left behind for future scientific missions.”

Kohnen Station in Antarctica. Credit: Diedrich F., Public Domain

So, yes, there can be a number of mysterious structures hidden below the thick ice of Antarctica, but this one has already been identified.

Written by Cynthia McKanzie – Staff Writer

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