Mysterious ‘Geoglyph Builders’ Created Gigantic Earthwork Long Before Amazon Forest Appeared In The Region
| – A series of mysterious lines and geometric shapes discovered in the Amazon forest, is made by human hand and it happened thousands of years before the area was covered by forest.
Previously hidden earthworks become visible due to large-scale deforestation of the region in the 1980s.

It remains a mystery who created these massive earthen structures and what was their original purpose.
The unexpected discovery of immense geometrically patterned earthworks called ‘geoglyphs’ among the terra firme rainforests of western Amazonia is radically changing our notion of past human societies in this region of the Amazon.
Over 400 of these spectacular geometric earthworks have been found across eastern Acre state, Brazil.
Prior to the onset of large-scale deforestation in the 1980s, the area was completely blanketed by terra firme humid rainforest, assumed by most tropical ecologists to be pristine or virgin.
These earthworks form circles, squares, and other geometric shapes, between 90 and 300m diameter, according to Professor José Iriarte of the Department of Archaeology, College of Humanities, University of Exeter.
Most geoglyphs, which are large geometric patterns left in the ground, are located atop a 150-200m plateau.
Excavation of mysterious structures were first discovered in 1999, when that huge tracts of virgin rain forest were cut down in order to gain new pastures for cattle.
Most of the trench is approximately 9m wide and 3m deep. The largest circle is 300m in diameter.

Many of the structures located on a plateau have a height of 200m above sea level.
Researchers have started a project to investigate what was the past impact of the ‘Geoglyph Builders’ on this region of Amazonia and what is the modern legacy of their ancient land use.
Researchers will study prehistoric cultures of the Amazon region and the rise and fall of the ‘Geoglyph-Building’ culture that existed long before the arrival of Europeans.
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