Mysterious Death Of Amy Robsart – Murder, Accident Or Suicide?

Ellen Lloyd – – Amy Robsart was only 28 years old at the time of her death. On September 8, 1560, she was found dead with a broken neck at the foot of the stairs at Cumnor Palace, near Oxford, England.

Her death remains an unexplained historical mystery. Did she commit suicide, or was it an accident? Was she deliberately murdered? Was Queen Elizabeth I of England or Lord Robert Dudley responsible for the death of Amy Robsart?

Mysterious Death Of Amy Robsart – Murder, Accident Or Suicide?

Born on June 7, 1532, in Norfolk, England, Amy Robsart married Robert Dudley at the royal palace of Sheen at Richmond, near London. The young couple, both just over 18 years old at the time of the marriage, were in love, but their union was not meant to last. The marriage was unhappy, and their tale ended sadly.

Lord Robert Dudley is today mostly known for his close relationship to Queen Elizabeth I, and their story fascinates people interested in English history. Rumors of their love affair have fueled the idea that Amy was murdered.

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