Mysterious Cucuteni-Trypillian Culture Burned Their Settlements For Unknown Reasons

Ellen Lloyd – – The mysterious Cucuteni-Trypillian culture lived in Eastern Europe thousands of years ago. They left behind a number of intriguing ancient artifacts, destroyed settlements, and sacred sanctuaries. It remains unclear why and how they vanished. It is also a mystery why they regularly burned their settlements.

Mysterious Cucuteni-Trypillian Culture Burned Their Settlements For Unknown Reasons

These people lived in an area of around 35,000 square kilometers, incorporating parts of present-day Moldova, Romania, and Ukraine, between 5400 and 2700 BCE.

The culture was initially named after the village of Cucuteni in Romania.  In 1884, Teodor T. Burada, after having seen ceramic fragments in the gravel used to maintain the road from Târgu Frumos to Iași, investigated the quarry in Cucuteni from where the material was mined, where he found fragments of pottery and terracotta figurines.

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