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Mysterious Cochno Stone Unearthed For The First Time In 50 Years

Mysterious Cochno Stone Unearthed For The First Time In 50 Years – Ever since the 5,000-year-old mysterious Cochno stone was discovered, scientists have been scratching their heads trying to figure out its true meaning.

Today, they are not closer to solving this ancient mystery. It is one of the best examples of Neolithic or Bronze Age cup and ring markings in Europe, but the true meaning of the ancient signs and symbols are unknown. Is it an ancient map, symbolic portals of reincarnation, astronomical constellations, or ceremonial markers for sacrifice?

Is the stone perhaps a representation of something entirely unknown?

Being deliberately covered to avoid vandalism, the mysterious Cochno stone is now unearthed for the first time in 50 years.

The Cochno stone which measures 42ft by 26ft was discovered by the Reverend James Harvey in 1887 in Scotland.

The ancient stone lies on land next to a housing estate near Faifley, in West Dunbartonshire. It is regarded as one of the UK’s most important, but also one of its most neglected, prehistoric sites.

Dr Kenny Brophy, from the University of Glasgow who specializes in urban archaeology, is leading the excavation at the site next to Cochno Farm.

The excavation will provide the opportunity to use cutting-edge 3-D imaging technology to make a detailed digital record of the site, which should shine more light on the stone’s history, its purpose and the people who created the artwork around 5,000 years ago.

Cochno stone

“It was last fully open to the elements and the public up until 1965. Sadly as it was neglected it was also being damaged through vandalism and people traipsing all over it.


So renowned archaeologist Ludovic Maclellan Mann, with a team of experts, decided the best way to preserve it was to cover it over to protect it from further damage. And it has lain there ever since.

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It has been well recorded for archaeological purposes but we now feel the time, and the technology, is right to unearth it and see what new elements we can learn about its history and the people who created it. The local community is very engaged in what we plan to do, and they seem very proud to have this amazing prehistoric gem right on their door step,” Dr. Brophy said.

Detail of cup and ring markings on the Cochno Stone. Credit: Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland.


Revealing the Cochno Stone’ project is a collaboration between the Factum Foundation for Digital Technology in Conservation and the University of Glasgow Archaeology Department.


The aim of the project is to gather 3-D data at the highest possible resolution of the surface of the Neolithic artwork, then rebury the Cochno Stone, which measures 8m x 13 m. Ultimately, Factum Foundation hopes to produce a 1:1 facsimile of the panel, using a combination of the recorded digital data and historical sources.

Hopefully, we will soon learn more about the Cochno stone’s mysterious ancient past and the meaning of the engraved sign and symbols.

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