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Mysterious Chachapoyas ‘Warriors Of The Clouds’ And Their Impressive Structures


A. Sutherland  – – The Chachapoyas culture, settled in the Department of Amazonas, has left a significant number of large stone monuments, such as a massive stone citadel and a remote place, Kuélap that was discovered sixty years before the famous Machu Picchu, with more than four hundred buildings and cyclopean stone walls.

Mysterious Chachapoyas 'Warriors Of The Clouds' And Their Impressive Structures

Another landmark of the Chachapoyas land is the Great Pajatén, an archaeological site with a series of at least 26 circular stone structures atop numerous terraces and stairways, and the Laguna de Los Condores located at an altitude of 2,600 meters above sea level.

The Chachapoyas were called ‘Cloud People’ because they made their home among the cloud-covered tropical rainforests of the Amazon, lining the eastern slopes of the Andes mountains.

This ancient, fascinating, and rather unknown culture left impressive stone citadels, fantastic mausoleums, and sarcophagi built in almost inaccessible places. It was a culture, in which communities developed autonomously and in an environment that significantly isolated them from other people.

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