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Mysterious 8,000-Year-Old Petroglyphs Of Unknown Beings Of Sego Canyon, Utah

Mysterious 8,000-Year-Old Petroglyphs Of Unknown Beings Of Sego Canyon, Utah

Jan Bartek – – The petroglyphs of Sego Canyon in Utah look like beings we see in science fiction movies, but these figures are not a modern invention. These carvings were made thousands of years ago and their alien-like appearance makes many people wonder what their creators saw or were thinking back in those days.

The study of petroglyphs is important because rock art offers a unique opportunity to look through the eyes of ancient people. By examining ancient rock art, we can better understand how people understood the world and these images often had deep cultural and religious significance for the societies that created them.

Utah’s petroglyphs are thousands of years old. Credit: Patrick J. Wall/Danita Delimont – Adobe Stock

Sometimes petroglyphs can be easy to decipher and archaeologists can determine if the ancient depictions served as astronomical markers, communication symbols, or even some form of writing. There are also several petroglyphs that have baffled scientists because of the beings carved on walls simply do not resemble humans.

Some of the most unusual and mysterious petroglyphs can be found in Utah. Located north of Thompson Springs, Sego Canyon, also known as Book Cliffs and Thompson Wash this place has a rich history, and here we can admire rock art from the Archaic period.

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