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Mysterious 2,000-Year-Old Disco Colgante – Unknown High-Tech Device, Representation Of A Spiral Galaxy Or Something Else?


Ellen Lloyd – – Some ancient artifacts are truly puzzling because it’s difficult to figure out their purpose.

The 2,000-year-old Disco Colgante is an object that was produced for unknown reasons, or at least it seems so to us, modern humans. Was it an ancient tool, a high-tech device, ritual artifact or does it offer evidence of our ancestors’ vast knowledge of astronomy?

Mysterious 2,000-Year-Old Disco Colgante - Unknown High-Tech Device, Representation Of A Spiral Galaxy Or Something Else?

It may just be a coincidence of course, but the Disco Colgante makes us easily think this is a graphic representation of the Milky Way, or perhaps some other spiral galaxy.

How the spiral arms form in this type of galaxies is not yet entirely certain, but modern astronomers know a majority of spiral galaxies contain a central bulge surrounded by a flat, rotating disk of stars.

If the Disco Colgante is indeed a representation of the spiral galaxy, then it shows ancient people were much advanced than previously thought.

Source: – Read rest of the article here

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