Mysteries Of The Yellow Emperor – The ‘Son Of Heaven’ From Regulus

Paul Stonehill – – Chinese and Japanese archaeologists claim they have discovered in China’s southwestern province of Sichuan evidence of the fifth ancient civilization, Japan’s Kyodo News reported Monday, October 28, 1996.

The evidence is an earthen stage, unearthed during a joint archaeology project and estimated to date back 4,500 years.

Mysteries Of The Yellow Emperor - The 'Son Of Heaven' From Regulus

It was found among the remains of an ancient castle near the banks of the Yangtze River 56 miles (90 km) southwest of the city of Chengdu. The archaeologists involved in the excavation project explain that the earthen stage, pointing to advanced knowledge of construction techniques by those who built it, reinforces the possibility of a fifth civilization.

The world’s four oldest civilizations are known as Mesopotamia, Egypt, Indus and China’s Yellow River. Carbon isotope analysis on earthenware found at the excavation site was used to help identify the age of the castle and stage.

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