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Mysteries Of The Huldufolk – The Hidden People Of Iceland


Ellen Lloyd – – The belief in the Hidden People is taken very seriously in certain countries, like Iceland, for example.

Not far from Reykjavik, there is a small harbor town called Hafnarfjöròur that is said to be the home of the Huldufolk or the Secret Folk.

These interesting beings are the race of Hidden People who have magical powers and protect the island.

Mysteries Of The Huldufolk - The Hidden People Of Iceland

Elf houses in Iceland. Credit: Adobe Stock – NJ

The Huldofolk have been part of Iceland for as long as anyone can remember.

As Heidi Herman writes in the interesting book The Guardians of Iceland and Other Icelandic Folk Tales, “As the years passed, the Huldufolk spent less and less time with their other brothers and sisters, and less time in the garden that had been their home. They eventually made their home among the rocks of the field and the cliffs by the sea. They became protective of the land and did not allow humans to harm it. They did not like rocks to be moved, or the moss to be disturbed, nor did they like anyone to come too close to their homes.

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