Mother, Father, Child, Marriage And Divorce In Viking Society
|A. Sutherland – – The Vikings lived in large families that included parents, children, and grandparents. When the eldest son took over the estate, he became head of his family and from now on he had responsibility for the welfare of all.
He must provide the family with food and his wife, who was in charge of the house had to make butter and cheese, dry and smoke fish, and prepare food storage that would be enough for everyone during the long dark winter.
Viking life. Image credit: Mats Vänehem
Additionally, she was also expected to have knowledge of herbs to prepare medicine for the sick and wounded.
Also, the responsibility for pets and farm animals rested on her and when the man went on trade trips, hunted, or walked in the Viking (meant to disappear away for a long period), it was his wife who was responsible for almost everything at home and managed the whole farm. In wealthy families, a woman had servants to help her, so it was much easier.