Mentuhotep II – The 11th Dynasty’s Pharaoh Who Reunited Egypt And Established The Middle Kingdom

Angela Sutherland  – – Mentuhotep II of the 11th Dynasty is considered one of the most significant figures in ancient Egypt closely associated with the South of Egypt and later viewed as the second (after Menes) founder of the Egyptian State. The 11th Dynasty was preceded by a stormy period after the end of the 6th Dynasty.

Mentuhotep II - The 11th Dynasty's Pharaoh Who Reunited Egypt And Established The Middle Kingdom

Fragments from stela of the Chief Steward Henenu. Circa 2030 –2000 BC. Middle Kingdom – 11th Dynasty. Reign of Mentuhotep II, late. Source

It resulted in establishing the Herakleopolitan-led 9th/10th Dynasties in the north and was simultaneous with provincial governors ruling in the south of the country, which contributed to the eventual emergence of a powerful Theban-ruled political entity – today referred to as the famous 11th Dynasty of rulers. The 11th Dynasty consolidated its territory as the land south of the area of Abydos and this period is significant in the history of ancient Egypt.

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