A. Sutherland – AncientPages.com – A remarkable landmark, a surviving 14-meter ancient Roman Obelisk is located near the Veliko Tarnovo district village of Lessicheri in the North-Central region of Bulgaria.
The Lesicheri pillar and the ruins of the second one (after Kanitz 1882, 5, engraving # 2). The Lesicheri Pillar and the Transfer of Funerary Architecture Trends from Bithynia to Roman Thrace – D. DelchevMilena Raycheva
Following the first scholarly publication in 1882, the so-called Lesicheri Obelisk, located near a historic site Nicopolis ad Istrum has been widely discussed in the literature as a component of a more extraordinary complex related to a religious cult or could be sepulchral. The thousand-year-old history and culture of the region of Tarnovo are traced out there.