Lamashtu Plaque: Assyrian Healing Device Against The Evil Goddess

A. Sutherland – – ‘Lamashtu Plaque’ (or ‘Hell Plaque’) was an Assyrian healing device against the female demon Lamashtu and her evil doings.

Lamashtu Plaque: Assyrian Healing Device Against The Evil Goddess

Lamashtu plaque held by Pazuzu. Image credit: Rama –  CC BY-SA 2.0 fr

Now in the Louvre, the original of this plaque is made of bronze and dates from the Neo-Assyrian period between the tenth and seventh century BC. Lamashtu plaque held by the demon Pazuzu, the king of the demons of the wind and son of Hanbi, the god of all evil forces and the father of Pazuzu and Humbaba. The artifact is one of many valuable ancient Assyrian treasures.

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