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Jack o’ Legs – The Kind Hertfordshire Giant Who Robbed The Rich And Gave To The Poor

Jack o’ Legs – The Kind Hertfordshire Giant Who Robbed The Rich And Gave To The Poor

Ellen Lloyd – – Jack o’ Legs was an interesting and kind individual who met a sad end. Locals tell his body is buried in the graveyard of the Holy Trinity church in Weston, UK. Two stones that are 14 feet apart mark the end and foot of his grave. Some say Jack o’ Legs was so tall people had to bend him before placing him in his grave.

Enduring stories of the 14-foot Hertfordshire giant Jack o’ Legs have been passed down through generations, and there is something truly captivating about this tall man who, according to a legend, lived in a cave in a wood at Weston near the Medieval town of Baldock.

Jack o' Legs - The Kind Hertfordshire Giant Who Robbed The Rich And Gave To The Poor

Mural depicting the Legend of Jack o’ Legs in Grange Junior School in Letchworth in Hertfordshire. Credit: Jack1956 – CC BY-SA 4.0

As the legend tells, Jack o’ Legs, who used to steal from the rich and give to the poor, was a well-liked person in the village, which is why he is so often called Hertfordshire’s Robin Hood.

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