Human Teleportation Will Be Possible In The Near Future – Bold Statement From Professor Michio Kaku
| – Have you ever wished you could just say ”Beam me up Scotty” and quickly teleport from one place to another? Unfortunately, human teleportation remains in the realm of science fiction for the time being according to some scientists. Actually, your grandchildren might be able to teleport on a daily basis. Well, that’s at least what some physicists think.
Professor Michio Kaku of City University, New York, maintains the technology to teleport a living person to another part of the Earth or even space could be available within decades, or at least by the next century.
Professor Kaku, known as Mr. Parallel Universe for his futuristic claims, which also include the possibility of real-time travel and invisibility, has studied various sci-fi technologies deemed impossible and concluded some will eventually happen.
Based on interviews with over three hundred of the world’s top scientists, who are already inventing the future in their labs, Kaku-in a lucid and engaging fashion-presents the revolutionary developments in medicine, computers, quantum physics, and space travel that will forever change our way of life and alter the course of civilization itself.
His astonishing revelations include:
The Internet will be in your contact lens. It will recognize people’s faces, display their biographies, and even translate their words into subtitles.
You will control computers and appliances via tiny sensors that pick up your brain scans. You will be able to rearrange the shape of objects.
Sensors in your clothing, bathroom, and appliances will monitor your vitals, and nanobots will scan your DNA and cells for signs of danger, allowing life expectancy to increase dramatically.
Radically new spaceships, using laser propulsion, may replace the expensive chemical rockets of today. You may be able to take an elevator hundreds of miles into space by simply pushing the “up” button.
Like Physics of the Impossible and Visions before it, Physics of the Future is an exhilarating, wondrous ride through the next one hundred years of breathtaking scientific revolution. Read more
He said: “A lot of things you see on Star Trek will, in fact, be possible – like the teleporter.
“You know the expression beam me up Scotty, we used to laugh at it. We physicists used to laugh when someone talked about teleportation and invisibility, something like that, but we don’t laugh anymore we realized we were wrong on this one.
“Quantum teleportation already exists. In fact, we took a film crew and went to the University of Maryland and actually filmed an atom being teleported. It zapped across the room from one chamber to another.
“So at an atomic level we do it already. It’s called quantum entanglement.”
This is a process that allows connections (like an umbilical chord) to be formed between atoms and their information transmitted between others further away.
He said: “I think within a decade we will teleport the first molecule.”
He said quantum physics was about the bizarre and impossible – objects disappearing and reappearing elsewhere and being in two places at the same time.

He added: “But electrons do this all the time – they are called transistors. Light does it – it is called a laser beam.”
He said light has also already been teleported.
He added: “The BBC flew us out to Vienna in Austria. We teleported light across the Danube River 500metres.”
He claims the next step will be to teleport photons to the Moon after 2020 when it is anticipated humans will again land on the lunar surface.
He believes in time, adapting this process to bigger objects – and then living things such as animals and even people – will be no more than a complicated scientific “engineering project”.
This is “likely to be solved in time”, he said.
The problem being the whole basis of teleportation is translating something physical into data, sending it somewhere else, and then re-assembling it.
It is widely felt that the so-called quantum entanglement system used to teleport an atom, would be virtually impossible in terms of time and survival for anything alive.
There are trillions of atoms in the human body, meaning a person would have to be broken down into individual ones before each was entangled, read, digitized and teleported before that whole process was done in reverse to bring them to the new location.
Students at the University of Leicester estimated the data from a single being would take quadrillions of years to teleport somewhere – in some cases slower than walking depending on how far away they were beamed.
Worse still, there is no way of knowing if abode could survive being stripped down to atoms and reconstructed.
When atoms are teleported they are destroyed with a copy rebuilt from the data – so you would effectively die and be brought back to life – or would it even be the same person arriving if they survived or a new clone?
Physicists at the California Institute of Technology first teleported a single photon back in 1998 a mere three feet.
Since then, distances have increased, but this is still working largely with photons.
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