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Huge Subterranean Pre-Columbian Shaft Tombs In Tierradentro, Colombia

A. Sutherland – – One of the most representative historical and archaeological places of Colombia is Tierradentro, known as the National Archaeological Park located in the municipality of Inzá, Department of Cauca, Colombia.

The stone statues of the Tierradentro region are of great importance. They are carved from the stone of volcanic origin and represent standing human figures, with their upper limbs placed on their chests. image source

The area of Tierradentro holds the largest concentration of pre-Columbian monumental shaft tombs with side chambers – known as hypogea (“under the earth”), carved in the volcanic tuff below hilltops and mountain ridges. These ancient hypogea are large and elaborate subterranean funerary chambers, very similar to those that existed in ancient Egypt.

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