How Dangerous Are The Biggest Solar Flares? – The largest solar flares are classified as x-class flares and can produce as much energy as a billion hydrogen bombs!

They can be viewed as huge explosions in the solar system.

So, naturally we might wonder – How dangerous are these enormous solar flares and how can they harm our planet?

Sun cycles are natural and happen every 11 years or so. Solar flares are giant explosions on the sun that send energy, light and high speed particles into space. These flares are often associated with solar magnetic storms known as coronal mass ejections (CMEs).

X-class flares and can produce as much energy as a billion hydrogen bombs! Image credit: NASA

Solar cycles vary in length from about 9 to 14 years. Some peaks are high, others low, according to NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center.

However, it should be noted that “even a below-average cycle is capable of producing severe space weather,” explains Doug Biesecker of the NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center.

During the peak we can expect some smaller and larger flares. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has devised categories for the flares and various storms. The biggest flares are known as “X-class flares” based on a classification system that divides solar flares according to their strength.

The biggest x-class flares can be viewed as huge explosions in the solar system.

Loops tens of times the size of Earth leap up off the sun’s surface when the sun’s magnetic fields cross over each other and reconnect. In the biggest events, this reconnection process can produce as much energy as a billion hydrogen bombs!

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We have already seen X-class flares in 2011 and more are to come in the future. If such huge solar flares are directed at our planet, they can create long lasting radiation storms that can harm satellites, communications systems, and even ground-based technologies and power grids. People are not expected to be in any danger.

Even if there is no reason to panic, it is important to constantly monitor the Sun’s activity, its X-class flares and their associated magnetic storms because strong magnetic storms can interfere with short wave radio communications, GPS signals, and Earth’s power grid, among other things.