How Artificial Intelligence Will Bring Back Dead People To Life Within 30 Years
| – Sooner or later everything dies. That is natural process we are all accustomed to, but not everyone is able to accept the end of life. The quest for human immortality has been a subject of scientific interest for many years.
Now, a company has come up with an idea how artificial intelligence can bring back dead people to life. According to the researchers involved in the project, human resurrection with help of AI will be possible within the next 30 years.
There are many questions that this new research raises. For one thing, would the resurrected person still be you or a copy of you?
Humai, is a L.A based company and their mission is to” reinvent the afterlife”.
That sounds intriguing, but is it really possible and how should it be done?
Founder Josh Bocanegra has assured his critics that he is serious about human resurrection and believes it could even be possible within the next 30 years.

According to Bocanegra and his team, the plans are to use artificial intelligence and nanotechnology to “store data of conversational styles, behavioral patterns, thought processes and information about how a person’s body functions from the inside-out.”
This data would then be coded into ‘multiple sensor technologies’, which would be built into an artificial body with the brain of a deceased human.
As the brain matures researchers would use cloning nanotechnology to restore it and “bring it back to life.”
It is not known how much the process would cost, or how the brains would be obtained but Mr Bocanegra told Australian PopSci: ‘After death we’ll freeze the brain using cryonics technology.
“When the technology is fully developed we’ll implant the brain into an artificial body.”
He added that the artificial body functions would be controlled by the person’s thoughts using brain waves, in a similar way advanced prosthetics are controlled today.
When asked why he developed the idea, he said an artificial body will ‘contribute to the human experience’ and it will make death easier to accept.
See also:
- Upload Your Brain Into A Hologram: Project Avatar 2045 – A New Era For Humanity Or Scientific Madness?
- We Live In A Virtual World Inside Our Heads – Says Steve Grand, Author Of “Creation: Life And How To Make It”
- Unlocking The Mysterious, Powerful ‘Second Intelligence’ Hiding Behind Our Conscious Minds
Although the idea sounds similar to the concept of singularity, there is a distinction between the two.
Technological singularity is the development of “superintelligence” brought about through the use of technology.
Put more simply, it is the idea of uploading our minds to computers and replacing body parts with machines to make us smarter and fitter while we are alive.
Researchers involved in the Project Avatar 2045 are trying to outline a strategy for further development of the humankind by creating a person with a perfect Avatar that will be able to remain part of society forever.