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Hathor – One Of Ancient Egypt’s Greatest Female Deities

Angela Sutherland  – – One of the largest and most complex pantheons of gods belongs to Egypt. In this pantheon, Hathor is a goddess of heaven and mother, depicted with a cowhorn (or cow’s head), along with a sun disk on her head.

Hathor passing the Ankh to Seti. Image credit: BasPhoto – Adobe Stock

No doubt, one of ancient Egypt’s greatest female deities is Hathor. She is believed to have been worshiped already during the pre-Dynastic Period but most evidence of her importance can be found in records of later dynasties.

Occasionally, she is mentioned in the Pyramid Texts and much more often in the Coffin Texts of the late third millennium BC (the “Eye of Horus), and later, in other religious literary works. In the north, in the Nile Delta, she was also the “Eye, taking the form of the guardian cobra goddess Wadjet, whose symbol was placed on the forehead of pharaohs.

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