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Griffins Were Mythical Gold-Guarding Hybrid Creatures Known For At Least 5,000 Years

Griffins Were Mythical Gold-Guarding Hybrid Creatures Known For At Least 5,000 Years

A. Sutherland  –  – If you were to ask a random passerby on the street what the most fantastic creatures are, he/she would most certainly say – griffin, among others.

At least five thousand years old, a mythical hybrid animal known as ‘griffin’ had the body of a lion and head, sharp claws, and snow-white or golden wings of the eagle.

A statue of a griffin on the Basilica di S. Marco. source

These magical beings symbolized power over heaven and earth, vigilance, strength, and pride. They became an attribute of the Nemesis goddess of retribution, and she was often depicted in a chariot drawn by griffins. This creature used to turn her wheel of fortune. It is one of the oldest magical creatures, which today remains a powerful protector of modern civil institutions such as banks, car plants, breweries in many countries. It is used in heraldry and appears widely as school sports team mascots and various insignia.

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