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Golosov Ravine – Mysterious Time-Warping Mist Causing Unexplained Disappearances And The Ancient Shrine Of God Veles

Golosov Ravine - Mysterious Time-Warping Mist Causing Unexplained Disappearances And The Ancient Shrine Of God Veles

Jan Bartek – – The beautiful Golosov Lavine has always been a strange and mysterious place. It is said a puzzling time-warping mist occasionally appears over the ravine, and when it happens, people disappear.

Can a person walk straight into a mist only to find themselves in a different place and time? Why have some who entered the thick, green mist vanished for years, and sometimes forever? Are the legends of time travel true?

Golosov Ravine - Mysterious Time-Warping Mist Causing Unexplained Disappearances And The Ancient Shrine Of God Veles

Are there places on our planet that are portals leading to unknown worlds? Credit: Adobe Stock – EllerslieArt

There are also many accounts of unknown strange beings seen in this area, and one of the major attractions here is an ancient shrine dedicated to Slavic God Veles.

Source: – Read rest of the article here

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