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Golden Secrets Of Lake Guatavita And The Muisca People Gave Rise To The El Dorado Myth

Ellen Lloyd – – When the Conquistadors came to explore the New World in the early 16th century they heard rumors about a magnificent wealthy city of gold ruled by a prince. Eager to get their hands on these golden treasures they searched for the golden city in many corners of South America. Gold was precious and the Spaniards were greedy.

In a letter to King Ferdinand dated 7 July 1503, Christopher Columbus wrote:

“With gold  we not only do whatever we please in this world, but we  can even employ it to snatch souls from Purgatory, and to people Paradise.”

Golden Cities Hidden In The Andes

Indians told many stories about golden cities in the Andes. Most likely the Natives thought it was a good method to lure away the Spaniards.

One legendary golden city was Paititi.

According to a legend Paititi was built by the Inca hero Inkarri, who founded the city of Cusco before retreating into the jungle after Spanish conquerors arrived.

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