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Friouato Caves: Largest Cave System In Northern Africa

Friouato Caves

Friouato Caves. Image credit: Wikipedia – The Friouato Caves stretch for kilometers underground, with the deepest cavern being 150 feet deep. Located near the town of Taza, Morrocco, it is the largest cave system in North Africa.

It is unknown when the inhabitants of Taza first discovered the cave system, but French speleologist Norbert Casteret entered this this spectacular underground world in 1930.

Friouato Caves

In 1969, an expedition team from the Exeter University discovered other sections of the caves in 1969, locating expansive chambers and a collection of boulders. The caves are decorated in beautiful stalagmite, rock features and large limestone tables.

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Professional cave explorers have ventured as far as 272 meters deep into the caves and it is believed that there is an underground river that flows near the Grottes du Chike. As with many caves, the Friouato Caves are home to a large colony of bats.

The caves are an amazing experience and give visitors the rare opportunity to discover this hidden world of darkness. Visitors can examine and admire the Friouato Caves along with a local guide. However, it is not recommended to enter this huge cave system on your own. 

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