Fragments Of A New Female Figurine From Hohle Fels Cave, Germany – Discovered – Two fragments of a new female figurine carved from mammoth ivory have been discovered in Hohle Fels Cave, near Schelklingen, Germany.

The two pieces form a find with dimensions of 23 x 22 x 13 mm, similar to the well-known Venus – the oldest figure of a woman as well as the oldest figural representation of a human form, discovered in the same cave in 2008.

Hohle Fels Cave, near Schelklingen, Germany.
Hohle Fels Cave, near Schelklingen, Germany.

Both female figurines come from the Aurignacian period during which modern humans rapidly spread across Europe, displacing the indigenous Neanderthals.

Hohle Fels Cave artifacts

Hohle Fels Cave is of outstanding archaeological importance.

There have already been discovered weapons, jewelry and works of art including a horse’s head, a water bird and the “small lion man”, and they are all around 35,000 years old.

Hohle Fels Cave
The carved and engraved mammoth ivory fragments from Hohle Fels Cave. 2) Reconstruction of how the new finds fit i n relation to the female figurine from 2008. Figure: M. Malina/University of Tübingen

The new discovery indicates that the female depictions are not as rare in the Aurignacian as previously thought, and that concerns about human sexuality, reproduction and fertility in general have a very long and rich history dating to the Ice Age,” said Prof. Nicholas Conard of the University of Tübingen.
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