Earth’s Core Is As Hot As The Surface Of The Sun – Earth is divided into three layers – the crust, mantle and the core. Scientists have measured the temperature of Earth’s core and it turns out it’s a hellish 6,000 degrees Celsius (10,832 F), a solid 1,000 C (1,832 F) hotter than previously believed. In fact, it is as hot as the surface of the Sun!

earth's layers

Eаrth’ѕ innеr core iѕ a ball of mоѕtlу irоn alloy 1,207 kilоmеtеrѕ (750 mi) thick. Thiѕ mеtаl orb рrоvidеѕ our planet with a protective mаgnеtiс fiеld.

The extremely high temperature offers a better explanation for how the planet generates a magnetic field.

See also: Time Moves Faster The Farther Away You Are From The Surface Of The Earth

The difference in temperature matters, because this explains how the Earth generates its magnetic field. The Earth has a solid inner core surrounded by a liquid outer core, which, in turn, has the solid, but flowing, mantle above it. There needs to be a 2,700-degree F (1,500 C) difference between the inner core and the mantle to spur “thermal movements” that — along with Earth’s spin — create the magnetic field.

Live Science