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Dreamcatcher: Powerful Protective Amulet Of North American Indian People

A. Sutherland  – – In some Native American cultures, a typical dreamcatcher was a handmade hanging ornament, consisting of a woven net in a circle and certain freely hanging feathers, beads or ribbons, to which the Native tribes attributed specific magical properties.

Each part of the catcher has its function.

This unusual ornament, which is considered by many to be a kind of amulet, originates from North America. It was invented and created by tribal Indians who attributed the dreamcatchers the secret power of protection against bad dreams and all negative influences.

The charms were believed to have magic powers that could turn away evil influences or harm, averting the evil eye and deflecting misfortune. Bad dreams were to be filtered through the catcher’s net, and then, along with the first rays of the sun, flow down freely on the feathers and become annihilated.

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