Ellen Lloyd – AncientPages.com – Ancient people often believed that dreams or omens could foretell the future. Such signs were regarded as messages from the gods and they could only be properly interpreted by a wise person.
In most ancient cultures, a priest or a shaman was responsible for understanding gods’ communication with mortals, which is also the reason why these people held a high rank in society.
The Aztecs, who were once one of the world’s greatest civilizations didn’t believe it was possible to change the outcome of future events. Considered the last of the ancient Mexican civilizations, the Aztecs believed that their fate was sealed by powerful forces from their supernatural world.
The eight omens of the Aztecs have been analyzed by historians and these signs provide us with an important aspect of how the Aztecs understood the world and thought about the future.
Most historians agree some of the omens appear to be related to the Spanish conquest of the Aztec Empire in 1521 that led to the end of this ancient Mexican civilization.
The Eight Omens Of The Aztecs
The eight omens can be found in the Florentine Codex, “an ancient document that describes the life of the Aztecs, their religious ceremonies, astronomy, economy, social order, the conquest of Mexico and customs in pre-Columbian Mexico.” 1
“As far as can be determined, most of the information in Book XII derived from native informants of Tlatelolco, a city contiguous to and once subordinate to Tenochtitlan.