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Did Our Ancestors Know About Artificial Intelligence? – Is it possible that many of our “modern” inventions are in fact only prehistoric discoveries and ideas, which belong to ancient scientists?

The monk Gerbert d’Aurillac (920-1003 AD), Professor of the University of Rheims who later became the somewhat controversial Pope Sylvester II, was reported to have possessed a bronze automaton which answered questions.

This “robotic head” was constructed by the Pope “under certain stellar and planetary aspects.”

The “robotic head” was disposed of after the Pope’s death, but records of its early programming and processing may still exist in the Vatican library that is full of secrets and collections that might shock the world.

This early computer would answer questions with “yes” or “no” when a person asked something important concerning politics or religion.

Albertus Magnus (1206 – 1280 AD), the Bishop of Regensburg also known as Saint Albert the Great was one of the most universal thinkers to appear during the Middle Ages, even more so than his most famous student, St. Thomas of Aquinas (1225 – 1274 AD).

He was a learned man who was interested in various scientific endeavors that ranged from natural science all the way to theology.

It is said it took him over twenty years to construct his famous automaton called ‘Androides’. In his biography, Albertus Magnus revealed that the android was composed of “metals and unknown substances chosen according to the stars.” This mechanical man was able to walk, speak and performed household tasks.

The robot lived together with Albertus and his most famous student, St. Thomas of Aquinas. Unfortunately, one day when Thomas Aquinas became tired of the robot, talking all the time, and smashed the machine with hammer.

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