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Cruithne: Legendary King, His Seven Sons And The First Celtic Tribe That Inhabited British Isles


A. Sutherland – – An ancient myth says that at the beginning of time, there was a legendary king of the Picts, Cruithne (from the Gaelic word: ‘An Cruithain’ (Pict) –  naturally, ‘painted people,’ was a son of Cing (in Gaelic: ‘strong or brave’).

Cruithne: Legendary King, His Seven Sons And The First Celtic Tribe That Inhabited British Isles

Considered to be the father of the Picts, Cruithne, the first king of the Picts, reigned for a hundred years. He had seven sons, and their names were: Fib, Fidach, Foclaid (or Fotla), Fortrenn, Caitt (or Cat), Ce, and Circenn. If Cruithne really existed, he would have lived about 442 or 476 BC. Historically speaking, the myth seems accurate. These seven provinces did exist within Pictish territories.

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