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Cosimo di Giovanni de’ Medici – Exile Of The Generous, Intelligent Banker Caused Fury In Renaissance Florence

Ellen Lloyd – – Shortly before Giovanni di Bicci de’ Medici died, he told his son Cosimo di Giovanni de’ Medici never to go against the will of the people. It is an advice Cosimo followed all his life, and maybe it was one of many reasons why this quiet, calm, and balanced man was popular in Renaissance Florence.

Cosimo di Giovanni de’ Medici Loved Books, Languages And Art

Born on June 3, 1421, in Florence, Italy, Cosimo inherited the banking genius that helped his father flourish. In time, he became so powerful that he took complete control over Florence. Pope Pius II called Cosimo a “king in all but a name”. Even though Cosimo was a successful banker, he was also a great intellect who appreciated art and culture.

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