Circular Viking Fortress ‘Vallø Borgring’ Was Set On Fire From The Outside – But Who Did It?
| -“Vallø Borgring” is a unique circular Viking Age fortress in Denmark. Although, Vikings were present in many other countries, these circular fortresses are unique to Denmark.
Many have given up hope that there were many of them left, archaeologists say. Now, archaeologist have discovered evidence the “Vallø Borgring” Viking fortress was deliberately set on fire by someone on the outside, but who did it?
The fortification – with a 10 to 11 meter-wide palisade – a stockade with pointed wooden poles – is located on the field close to the noisy south highway, in Vallø on the Danish island of Zealand, around 30 miles (48km) south of Copenhagen.

The eastern gate of the fortress shows signs of the use of fire. According to archaeologists the eastern gate is heavily charred and badly destroyed.

Who would set the Viking fortress on fire?
Legendary King Harald ‘Bluetooth’ was the king of Denmark responsible for bringing making Christianity the country’s official religion. He was the one who turned Danes into Christians.

Harald “Bluetooth” Gormsson was King of Denmark for nearly 30 years beginning in approximately 958 AD, when his brother and favored son of Gorm the Old was killed in England during attacks near Ireland.

During his reign, Bluetooth united the outlying tribes of Denmark. He defended his people from many Norwegian and German incursions, while overseeing the completion of vast construction projects that strengthened his country’s defenses.
He proved to be a skilled leader of his nation both on and off the battlefield.

Anglo-Saxons records tell King Harald “Bluetooth” put too much pressure on his people and army. This resulted in a riot. Archaeologists think that powerful and significant Danish forces attacked the fortress and set the gate on fire.
See also:
Explore The Mysterious Ancient World Of The Vikings
Archaeologists Uncover Secrets Of “Vallø Borgring” Viking Age Circular Fortress
Legendary Harald ‘Bluetooth’ King of Denmark – ‘Who Made The Danes Christian’
Battle Of Visby – Death Came With King Atterdag’s Ships
At this point these are only scientific speculations and more examinations must be conducted before conclusions can be drawn. A fire expert from the police will now examine the gate and determine when the event took place. It is not the first time Danish archeologists ask police for help. During previous excavations police dogs were used to find ancient buried bones.
Danish archaeologists hope further studies of the fortress will shed more light on how the fire was spread, by whom and when.
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