Chan Chan Archaeological Remains Unearthed At Funerary Platform in Peru – Archaeological remains have been unearthed at funerary platform located at Chan Chan archaeological complex intangible area in Trujillo, La Libertad in Peru, informs the Decentralized Directorate of Culture of La Libertad, through the Special Project Chan Chan Archaeological Complex.

Chan Chan – the state capital of Chimú Indians and the largest Pre-Columbian city in South America, is an archaeological site located 5 km west of Trujillo, on the northwestern coast of modern Peru.

the largest city in pre-Columbian South America. It was home to 30,000 people and was built around 850 AD by the Chimor and lasted until the conquest by the Inca Empire.
The largest city in pre-Columbian South America. It was home to 30,000 people and was built around 850 AD by the Chimor and lasted until the conquest by the Inca Empire.

Chimu were probably descendants of the ancient Moche who first inhabited these places. Their state was ruled by powerful leaders and priests who lived in rectangular palace complex, fenced by high walls.

The ruins of Chan Chan, Chimu culture. Moche Valley, Peru, 1000-1450.

The ruins of Chan Chan, Chimu culture. Moche Valley, Peru, 1000-1450.

Archaeological site of Chan Chan contains ruins of ten walled citadels which housed ceremonial rooms, burial chambers, temples, reservoirs and residences. There are also remains of water and sewer pipes.

Ancient History Facts: Chan Chan Archaeological Remains Unearthed At Funerary Platform in Peru

According to Andina, archaeologists made the recent finds while working on an archaeological research project intended to preserve perimeter walls on the western side of the Xllangchic–An Walled Complex, (formerly Uhle Palace) located at the said archaeological site.

 Remains found at a funerary platform located at Chan Chan archaeological complex intangible area in Trujillo, La Libertad. Credit: Andina
Remains found at a funerary platform located at Chan Chan archaeological complex intangible area in Trujillo, La Libertad. Credit: Andina

The discovery took place at the joining southwestern area. According to the structure and context features, it would be a burial platform located outside the walled ensemble.

The ruins of Chan Chan, Chimu culture. Moche Valley, Peru, 1000-1450.
The ruins of Chan Chan, Chimu culture. Moche Valley, Peru, 1000-1450. Photo: Andina

Recovered remains included 87 pots, 31 burials (of animals and human beings), textile utensils, metals as part of grave goods, different-material beads, nacre applications, different-quality textiles, among others.

"This is an unusual discovery, since remains were found outside the walled complex."
“This is an unusual discovery, since remains were found outside the walled complex.”

“This is an unusual discovery, since remains were found outside the walled complex. Burial platforms are usually inside these places, and used to be occupied by important people; cemeteries were built for the working class, but it’s unusual to see it outside.

There is still much to research,” said Lisbeth Quijano, head of the Walled Complex project.

Chan Chan remains, Peru

Excavations allowed archeologists to identify access points to a regular-sized courtyard with small storage areas, where Chan Chan people probably kept the goods they offered up to their ancestors.



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