– On November 30, 1954, the Sylacauga meteorite fell in Oak Grove, Alabama, near Sylacauga. This mostly unusual event took place at 13:46 local time and received – On November 29, 1929, U.S. Admiral Richard E. Byrd led the first expedition to fly over the South Pole In the fall of 1928, Byrd and – On Nov. 28, 1520, Portuguese navigator Ferdinand Magellan reached the Pacific Ocean after passing through the South American strait. The strait was later named The Strait of – On November 27, 1701, Anders Celsius, a Swedish astronomer, physicist and mathematician (1701-1744) was born. He invented the centigrade (Celsius) temperature scale commonly used in Europe and founded – On November 26, 1476, Vlad III Dracula (1431-1476), ruler of Wallachia returned from a decade-long exile to take a throne for the last. The man was – On November 24, 1996, Sorley MacLean, one of the most important poets died. Sorley MacLean, (in Gaelic: Somhairle Macgill-Eain) will be remembered as one of the – On November 23, 1889, the first jukebox was installed at the Palais Royale Saloon in San Francisco. It becomes a true overnight sensation, and its popularity – On November 22, 1307, a Papal Bull, the so-called “Pastoralis Praeeminentiae” was issued by Pope Clement V to all Christian monarchs. Monarchs of Christendom were given – On November 21, 615, died Irish Saint Columbanus who founded monasteries throughout France, Germany, and Italy. He was one of those many Irish missionaries who kept – On November 20, 1739, the Battle of Porto Bello started. It was historical naval battle between a British naval force aiming to capture the settlement of – On November 19, 1703, “the man in the iron mask” died in the Bastille, Paris, France. He was buried under the name of “Marchioly” and his – On November 18, 1477, English printer William Caxton, printed the first book in England. It was his own book entitled “Sayings of the Philosophers” (Dictes or – On November 17, 1810, Sweden declares war on its ally the United Kingdom. On this day, the Anglo-Swedish War begins, however, according to sources no fighting – On Nov 16, 1532, Francisco Pizarro captured Atahualpa, the Last Emperor of the Inca Empire in the town of Cajamarca, Peru. When he arrived in Cajamarca, – On November 15, 1280, died Albertus Magnus , known as Albert The Great or “Universal Doctor”. He was born ca. 1200 and educated at the University – On November 14, 1716, Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz, famous German philosopher, scientist and mathematician died. Born on July 1, 1646 in Leipzig, Germany Leibniz was a – On November 13, 1093, died Malcolm III, King of Scots from 1058 to 1093. Nicknamed Canmore (in Scottish Gaelic: “Great Chief”, Malcolm ruled 35 years and – On November 12, 1035, died King Canute (Cnut The Great), a Danish King of England and ruler of one of the largest Nordic empires. The Viking – On November 11, 1897, American psychologist Gordon Willard Allport was born. He is today famous for developing the personality trait theory according to which traits are essentially – On November 10, 1150, the Scottish Dryburgh Abbey was founded and it is believed that construction works continued for most of the following century. Dryburgh Abbey, – On November 9, 1934, Carl Sagan, U.S. astronomer, cosmologist, astrophysicist, and astrobiologist was born in New York. He wrote popular science books and researched the atmosphere – On November 8, 1519, Hernán Cortés, a Spanish Conquistador entered Tenochtitlán, the capital of the Aztec Empire. Cortés led an expedition that contributed much to the – On November 7, 1492, the Ensisheim meteorite was observed to fall in a wheat field outside the walled town of Ensisheim in then Alsace, Further Austria – On November 6, 1572, a supernova was first observed by the German astronomer Wolfgang Schüler of Wittenberg. This spectacular celestial event was observed in the W-shaped