– It’s believed that supermassive black holes—as much as 1 billion times the mass of the Sun reside in the center of galaxies that are much more massive – A little-known alien world K2-18b in constellation Leo is solid but several times larger. Astronomers also discovered that it has a companion. “Being able to measure the – Boys, who are at risk of developing psychopathy, unfortunately do not smile often and when they become adults, laughter isn’t so obvious and natural reaction for them – The most detailed radio image of nearby dwarf galaxy, the Small Magellanic Cloud, have recently been created by astronomers at Australian National University(ANU). It could help reveal – Formed due to a violent planetary collision between a Mars-sized object and the proto-Earth, the Moon spent its early years covered by a roiling global ocean of molten magma – An interesting celestial object known as Comet 45P zipped past Earth early in 2017 while it was observed from NASA’s Infrared Telescope Facility (IRTF) in Hawai’i. The – Are male and female brains different? Yes, they are, indeed. While some brain features are more or less common or even almost identical, there are some key – This dark, reddish and highly-elongated interstellar asteroid was revealed by ESO’s Very Large Telescope in Chile. It’s name is Oumuamua. Oumuamua is indeed unique object, traveling through space for – This is one of the most exotic alien planets, which fascinated astronomers more than a decade ago. Twice the size of Earth – and named “55 Cancri – A chain of volcanoes is running across the Pacific Ocean floor, but suddenly in the middle of this chain lies a bend of 60 degrees. What did – A new type of explosion in a distant galaxy has been discovered by an international team of astronomers from from Finland, Sweden, Ireland, Italy, Spain, Chile, and – Star can be reduced to white dwarf status by its companion, according to a series of observations conducted by Brazilian astronomers between 2005 and 2013. Reserchers studied – NASA researchers have found evidence that a geothermal heat source called a mantle plume, located deep below West Antarctica’s Marie Byrd Land, may help to explain why – The second most distant dusty, star-forming galaxy ever found in the universe has been discovered by astronomers at UMass Amherst and in Mexico using the Large Millimeter Telescope – The existence of this celestial body was previously thought extremely improbable but an international team of astronomers has now proved it really exists. The unusual planet NGTS-1b – There are no fountains or magical springs that can wonderfully fill our tired bodies and hearts with new energy. The desire of eternal youth is indeed very – Astronomers have observed a gigantic cosmic collision between two neutron stars. This spectacular cosmic event was seen for the very first time. The light was detected by – Haumea is considered the most peculiar of Pluto companions. The planet – one of the four known trans-Neptunian dwarf planets, discovered in 2003 – is a very – An unusual red aurora was observed in Kyoto, Japan during an extreme magnetic storm that occurred on 17 September 1770. Based on accessible historical documents, researchers have – A newly discovered dwarf galaxy in the constellation Lynx creates for astronomers new possibilities for better understanding chemistry of the early universe, its formation and evolution. The – An unusual object – in fact, two asteroids orbiting each other – has been discovered in the solar system’s asteroid belt by an international team of astronomers.
Ellen Lloyd – – The oarfish is called “Messenger of the Sea God’s Palace” and with good reason. According to an ancient Japanese legend the oarfish are omens – Each October 12th, Spain celebrates Hispanic Day with a national holiday to commemorate the day Christopher Columbus reached the Americas in 1492, but not all people in – Are you a victim of cyberbullying and online stalking? Online harassment is not ok! We here at and are and have been harassed online for – Several major cities are lit up in France’s colors to honor Paris and the many victims of the gruesome attacks that took place on Friday 13. Looming