– A new type of malleable, self-healing and fully recyclable “electronic skin” material has been developed by University of Colorado Boulder researchers. “Electronic skin” – with applications ranging – For the first time University of Bristol engineers have shown it is possible to stably trap objects larger than the wavelength of sound in an acoustic tractor – A 3-D printed ‘’Living Tattoo’ has been revealed by MIT researchers using technique based on a new kind of ink made from genetically programmed living cells. The – Because of the pain and anxiety associated with needles, some patients stop adhering to treatments such as multiple intravenous or subcutaneous injection. Now there is a – It’s just a matter of time before 3D holograms will be just as common as cell phones, computers and tablets. Those who watch sci-fi movies like Star – The ancient Egyptians had an artificial blue pigment and so had the Maya. Now, we have YInMn blue! Finding a new blue pigment doesn’t happen very often. – Modern high-speed cameras capture 100 000 images per second. Now a group of researchers from Sweden have developed the world’s fastest camera that can capture 5 trillion – The idea that we could create water out of thin air is no longer in the realm of science fiction. Scientists have long tried to come – Researchers in Finland have discovered KBNNO, a certain type of perovskite mineral with the ability to convert energy from several different sources – at the same time. – Jules Verne (1828 – 1905) is today widely regarded as the father of science fiction. Instead of following in his father’s footsteps as an attorney, Verne became – As we all know water is a necessity for life as we know it. Unfortunately, large parts of the world’s population do not have access to clean – Scientists have discovered the so-called ‘Blue Whirl’ flame, a new kind of fire with extraordinary properties that can help us improve our environment. The refined flame – Scientists have created a new foldable, shape-shifting 3-D material that can change size, volume and shape. It can fold flat to withstand the weight of an elephant – Scientists have made a major breakthrough in the development of digital data storage that is capable of surviving for billions of years. With help of this cutting-edge – It is impossible for a human being to survive beyond about a minute and a half in space without significant technological assistance. If humans wish to colonize – This is a truly extraordinary sight and you won’t see often. At a charity event held in the University of Cambridge, Paris-based digital projection artist Miguel Chevalier – The world’s most powerful accelerator, the 27 km long Large Hadron Collider (LHC) operating at CERN in Geneva established collisions between lead nuclei at the highest energies ever. – Many consider nanotechnology to be the solution to most of our world’s problems. There are without doubt many advantages of nanotechnology, but there are also disadvantages that – It is one of the world’s most extreme specialized laboratories. Most of us do not know what silence really is, but Orfield Laboratories Inc., Minnesota, USA has – QUT scientists have discovered the gene that will open the door for space-based food production. Professor Peter Waterhouse, a plant geneticist at QUT, discovered the gene – In science, decades can pass between a proposed theory and its real-world application. That is precisely what University of Washington mathematics professor Gunther Uhlmann was expecting when he – Researchers working at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) ‘atom smasher’ at the CERN centre in Geneva, Switzerland, hope to achieve something really extraordinary. In an experiment – Invisibility cloaks are a staple of science fiction and fantasy, from Star Trek to Harry Potter, but don’t exist in real life, or do they? In – No matter how much we want to travel to alien planets in the universe or how dedicated we are to the exploration of our mysterious ancient – Adidas begins its new partnership with Parley for the Oceans at the United Nations headquarters and showcases the first innovative footwear concept born from this collaboration. Parley