Eddie Gonzales Jr. – MessageToEagle.com – It is not the first time the Chinese have lost control over their space rocket. The space laboratory Tiangong-1 disintegrated upon re-entry
Eddie Gonzales Jr. – MessageToEagle.com – Paradox-free time travel is theoretically possible, according to the mathematical modeling of a prodigious University of Queensland undergraduate student. Paradox-free time travel
Don Wood – MessageToEagle.com – What may sound like a joke is actually the result of a scientific study. Researchers say astronauts can build Moon bases using their
Eddie Gonzales Jr. – MessageToEagle.com – Our goals to explore space many be unrealistic unless we deal with the space debris problem quickly. A scientist warns humans may
Eddie Gonzales Jr. – MessageToEagle.com – One hundred years ago today, on May 29, 1919, measurements of a solar eclipse offered verification for Einstein’s theory of general relativity.
MessageToEagle.com – As much as we want to explore space and about the Universe there are certain issues we must consider. Not only do we face technological obstacles, but
MessageToEagle.com – Venus is a remarkable planet in many ways. Located about 67 million miles (108 million km) from the Sun, Venus is often called Earth’s twin because it’s
MessageToEagle.com – Ready for descent — deploy thrusters! The Schiaparelli spacecraft, part of the European Space Agency’s (ESA) ExoMars mission to Mars, has received its landing commands for its
MessageToEagle.com – It is impossible for a human being to survive beyond about a minute and a half in space without significant technological assistance. If humans wish to colonize
MessageToEagle.com – Orbital ATK’s unmanned Cygnus spacecraft is set to embark upon its return-to-flight mission tonight (Dec. 3), carrying more than 7,700 lbs. (3500 kilograms) of research materials, crew
MessageToEagle.com – Can you imagine humans living on another planet in 1000 years? If Stephen Hawking is right, we must begin to set up colonies as soon as possible
MessageToEagle.com – Is the Alcubierre warp drive a doomsday weapon or our passport to the Universe? The Alcubierre warp drive is a theoretical tool that would allow for spacecraft
MessageToEagle.com – It is impossible for a human being to survive beyond about a minute and a half in space without significant technological assistance. If humans wish to