– Since the 1970s, astronomers and physicists have been gathering evidence for the presence in the universe of dark matter: a mysterious substance that manifests itself through its – Physicists have long been puzzled whether there is a link between Einstein’s equivalence principle and quantum physics. A new approach to solve the puzzle and answer this – New results from the ATLAS and CMS ( Compact Muon Solenoid) experiments at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) reveal how strongly the Higgs boson interacts with the top – How would you like to head back to the future in a DeLorean car? Or travel with the crew of the USS Enterprise to save the whales? – Life could potentially be common throughout the Multiverse, if it exists, according to an international team of researchers. A Multiverse – where our Universe is only one – Despite countless of studies, there is still plenty we don’t know about the human brain. Is there a connection between our brain and quantum physics? Some scientists – Physicists from the University of Basel have observed the quantum mechanical Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox in a system of several hundred interacting atoms for the first time. The phenomenon – For the first time a three-dimensional skyrmion in a quantum gas has beem created by scientists at Amherst College and Aalto University The skyrmion was predicted theoretically over – Protons are known to contain quarks and gluons. But are gluons behaving as expected? Scientists from the TOTEM (Total, elastic and diffractive cross-section measurement) collaboration may have found indirect – Tetraquarks are truly odd. Scientists said earlier that these particles are so mysterious that it’s impossible they could even exist. Yet, this totally weird particle is predicted by – More and more scientists are convinced our world is surrounded by a number of parallel worlds that are invisible to the naked eye. Although, no-one has so – In 1928, physicist Paul Dirac predicted that every fundamental particle has an antiparticle – a twin that has an opposite charge. Dirac announced his stunning discovery and – Scientists have long tried to explain the origin of a mysterious, large and anomalously cold region of the sky. In 2015, they came close to figuring it – Literature professor Simon John James and physicist Richard Bower were both involved in the curating the exhibition, Time Machines – the past, the future, and how stories – What if our Universe is just one of many universes co-existing next to each other? The “multiverse” theory has been treated by physicists as intriguing, but – Whether time travel is possible is a subject that has been debated for many years. Ancient people were interested in time travel and so are modern scientists. Time
Ovidiu Racorean – – Humanity is facing now the dawn of a new technological era involving quantum mechanics in almost all aspects of social life, from computation to – Scientists have created world’s first time crystal that seems to defy the laws of physics. It is an entirely new form of matter in which atoms move
Ellen Lloyd – -When you read this, you’re looking at your computer screen, mobile phone, or tablet. You think that you see everything there is to see.
A. Sutherland – – It is not the first time scientists suggest our world is part of a holographic projection. The holographic universe theory states our reality is – How would you look for something that can be in two ‘places’ at once? The answer, according to Oxford University research into a quantum phenomenon called superposition, – Enthusiasts of the time travel theory might have a reason to feel worried and even disappointed. Even though several scientists have previously said moving through time – It’s time for some exciting news from the world of physics and cosmology. A Caltech cosmologist recently announced he was found evidence of parallel universes! If that’s – There are many practical problems – the so-called ‘paradoxes’ – related to time travel, so… it most likely never going to happen, but the theoretical possibility – Scientists say there are two possible futures of the universe. The first is that the universe will eventually collapse in on itself in the reverse of the