– New analysis of satellite data by a team of scientists led by Durham University shows that the world’s largest canyon may lie under the Antarctic ice sheet. – A songbirds’ vocal muscles work like those of human speakers and singers, according to a new research. The research on Bengalese finches showed that each of their – Eta Carinae is the most luminous and massive stellar system within 10,000 light-years. It is best known for an enormous eruption seen in the mid-19th century that – The first complete age map of the Milky Way shows that the galaxy grew from the inside out. To construct the map, scientists measured the composition and – Astronomers, using NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory, have discovered evidence of powerful blasts produced by a giant black hole centered in the small galaxy NGC 5195, located 26 – The first stars were made from completely pristine gas, and astronomers think they formed quite differently from stars today. Astronomers have long theorized the existence of these – There is a chance – just a chance – that if black holes rule the universe, they could have “switched on” habitable planets, such as Earth, – It is impossible for a human being to survive beyond about a minute and a half in space without significant technological assistance. If humans wish to colonize – A curious X-shaped feature located in the Pluto’s region known as Sputnik Planum, is clearly visible in the image recently delivered home by NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft. – Densely packed groups of stars may make excellent cradles for complex space-traveling life to evolve. Despite studies that claim these environments, known as globular clusters, may be – An unusually star-deprived black hole at the site of two merged galaxies is showing that these massive gravitational voids can shed weight too, according to astronomers. The – When the Fukang meteorite slammed into the surface of Earth, one suspected this extraterrestrial gemstone could mirror the stellar beauty of the cosmos, and it really did. – Sophisticated ESO telescopes give astronomers an opportunity to conduct advanced search for the largest gravitationally bound structures in the Universe — galaxy clusters. Observations by the VLT and – Humans sleep shorter, deeper than our closest animal relatives, according to a new study. The secret, according to a new study, is that our sleep is more – A lacy web of bright frost-filled fractures fills a crater near the north pole of Mars in this image, acquired Sept. 20, 2015 with the HiRISE camera – The Govan Stones, one of the best collections of early medieval sculpture anywhere in the British Isles, are preserved at Govan Old Parish Church, Glasgow, Scotland. They represent – A ‘sail-backed’ dinosaur species named Morelladon beltrani, inhabited the Iberian landmass approximately 125 million years ago. Morelladon is a medium-sized styracosternan ornithopod of around 6 meters long and – You can say what you like about our nearest star, but as this latest solar eruption proves, it certainly has impeccable timing. On Monday (Dec. 28), a – The Wide Field Planetary Camera 2 (WFPC2) was Hubble’s workhorse camera for many years. One of Hubble’s most important instruments was used to observe just about everything. WFPC2 delivered many – NASA’s Dawn probe took a series of stunning new images of Ceres’ chain of craters called Gerber Catana, from an altitude of just 240 miles (385 kilometers) – Lettuce, peas and radishes are just a few vegetables that are found in a summer garden. But did you know these same vegetables also can be grown – Hundreds of giant comets have been dicovered in the outer planetary system over the last two decades. These objects could pose danger to life on Earth and represent – Who says geniuses are not being born these days? Every now and then we come across an extraordinary person who can perform incredible tasks at a – For the first time since 1977, you will have a rare opportunity to watch a full cold Moon on Christmas Day. This unique event won’t happen again – Rover finds volcanic rocks unlike those returned by Apollo and Luna missions, tantalizing clues to the period of lunar volcanism, researchers say. In 2013, Chang’e-3, an unmanned