– New research suggests that some of Saturn’s icy moons as well as its famous rings might be younger than the dinosaurs. Their dramatic birth may have taken – Ancient super-eruptions in Yellowstone Hotspot track ‘significantly larger’ than expected, according to a new study. International team led by researchers from the University of Leicester has identified – Titan’s tallest peak is 10,948 feet (3,337 meters) high and is found within a trio of mountainous ridges called the Mithrim Montes, according to a new study – Karakorum was first settled about 750. In 1220, Genghis Khan, the great Mongol conqueror, founded his headquarters there and used it as a base for his invasion – On March 25, 1655, Christiaan Huygens, a Dutch amateur astronomer, discovered Saturn’s satellite Titan, named for its great size (half that of the Earth’s) and thought to – Solar storms are triggering X-ray auroras on Jupiter that are about eight times brighter than normal over a large area of the planet and hundreds of times
A. Sutherland – – About 5,000 years ago, Los Millares, was the biggest and most important town in Europe. The ruins of the city of Los Millares are – Astronomers have observed an extrasolar planet about 117 light-years from earth that boasts the most eccentric orbit yet seen. A team led by San Francisco State University – Prehistoric stone circles keep many secrets and fascinate ordinary people and researchers. One of the circles that has long been a puzzle, is located about 37 km – Hattusha was the capital of the kingdom of the Hittites in the late Bronze Age. Located in Turkey, the magnificent ruins attest to the greatness of this – One of Belize’s largest and oldest continuously occupied Maya sites is – Lamanai, located deep within the jungles of the Orange Walk District on the bansks of – Hovenweep became a National Monument in 1923, but the site is a very ancient. “Hovenweep” is a Paiute/Ute word meaning “Deserted Valley”. It is located along the – A few kilometers from Rome, there are ruins of the ancient city of Ostia, which by its historical importance and preservation is not inferior to Pompeii and
MessageTo – On March 13th, 1781, astronomer Sir Frederick William Herschel announced the discovery of the planet Uranus. Uranus wasn’t officially discovered until 1781. Ancient Babylonians knew about – A remarkable, ancient archaeological site Guachimontones (‘Los Guachimontones’) is located just outside the modest little town of Teuchitlán, Jalisco, 43 kilometers (26 miles) west of Guadalajara, Mexico. – Inca Llajta (in Quechua means ‘Inca Town’) is considered the largest and most impressive Inca complex in Bolivia, which served as the most eastern fortress of the large – The familiar saying that history is written by the conquerors applies well to the forgotten ancient kingdom of Tuwana that was more or less erased from – There are about 3,600 known prehistoric grooves on stones scattered throughout the island of Gotland in Sweden. As many as 700 of them are scored directly – The Chogha Zanbil, meaning “basket mound” is the oldest existing ziggurat in the Near East. Located in the province of Khuzestan in Iran, the Chogha Zanbil – Astronomers for the first time have detected repeating short bursts of radio waves from an enigmatic source that is likely located well beyond the edge of our – Now, two astrophysicists are proposing a way to make sure we don’t miss the signal if extraterrestrial observers try to contact us first. René Heller and Ralph – A spectacular image of a blue bubble around a a Wolf–Rayet star known as WR 31a, has been captured by the Hubble Space Telescope. WR 31a is – On April 3, 1984 a conical meteorite fell in a corn field near the village of Bogga Dingare, Nigeria after a bright fireball was witnessed moving – We live in a universe dominated by unseen matter, and on the largest scales, galaxies and everything they contain are concentrated into filaments that stretch around the – The dodo is an extinct flightless bird whose name has become synonymous with stupidity. But it turns out that the dodo was no bird brain, but