– How life emerged on Earth is still uncertain. A recent discovery on the Red Planet may shed new light on a long-debated question. Did life on our – “Heavenly Eye” also known as “The Eye of Heaven” is China’s Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope (FAST), the world’s largest single-dish radio telescope, which began its work – As much as we want to explore space and about the Universe there are certain issues we must consider. Not only do we face technological obstacles, but – An unusual red aurora was observed in Kyoto, Japan during an extreme magnetic storm that occurred on 17 September 1770. Based on accessible historical documents, researchers have – A stunning, bright fireball was spotted over the Netherlands and Belgium on 21 September at 21:00 CEST (19:00 GMT). It was caused by a small meteoroid, estimated – A star called KIC 8462852 is one of the most mysterious objects in our Milky Way. Astronomers have monitored the star ever since its discovery in 2015 – Astronomers found that the nature of dark energy may not be the cosmological constant introduced by Albert Einstein 100 years ago. This is crucial for the study – Ayahuasca is a potent hallucinogenic brew used by Amazonian indigenous groups for centuries. It contains the powerful hallucinogenic molecule dimethyltryptamine (DMT) that gives people enlightening experiences and this is – A 1.5°C increase in global temperatures doesn’t sound like much, but the effects are significant changes to the length, intensity and frequency of heat waves in every part – Immediately before it shut down on the surface of the comet last year, Rosetta sent one last image of its touchdown site. Scientists analyzed Rosetta’s final telemetry. Among many detailed – Strange gigantic knife-like blades of ice detected on Pluto are among discoveries made by NASA’s New Horizons mission, during its flyby in July 2015. The coldest and – In an abandoned gold mine close to Deadwood, South Dakota, construction has started on what is arguably the world’s largest science experiment. I’m part of an international – A mass extinction will take place on our planet one day in the future, but when has not been clear. Now, by analyzing significant changes in the – One of the biggest mysteries in science deals with our DNA which is a very complex code. DNA is a program, a very precise digital program and – A newly discovered dwarf galaxy in the constellation Lynx creates for astronomers new possibilities for better understanding chemistry of the early universe, its formation and evolution. The – It’s often said that diamonds are a girl’s best friend. Whether this is true or not, is a matter of opinion. What we do know is true, – Nicknamed Methuselah Star, the star HD 140283 is located only 190 light years from Earth. There are many reasons why the Methuselah Star is very interesting, but – An unusual object – in fact, two asteroids orbiting each other – has been discovered in the solar system’s asteroid belt by an international team of astronomers. – A controversial study suggests it’s possible to determine what a person looks like based on collected DNA. If true, this would be very beneficial to the police – There are many dark worlds in the Universe, but WASP-12b reflects almost no light, making it appear essentially pitch black. Located about 1400 light-years, this intriguing exoplanet – For the first time ever, astronomers have discovered titanium oxide in an exoplanet atmosphere. Using ESO’s Very Large Telescope, astronomers made the discovery around the hot-Jupiter planet – As our astronomers search for signs of extraterrestrial life in the Universe, a new study shows there could be aliens on at least 9 planets beyond our – The Sun’s largest solar flare in more than 12 years – and the eighth largest since modern records began in 1996 – has been captured in high – Venus is a remarkable planet in many ways. Located about 67 million miles (108 million km) from the Sun, Venus is often called Earth’s twin because it’s – Active star formation upswells galaxies, like yeast helps bread rise, say astronomers. Using three powerful telescopes on the ground and in orbit, they observed galaxies from 11