– During a routine flyover in the Arctic ocean, NASA scientists discovered several unusual ice circles that currently remain unexplained. IceBridge mission scientist John Sonntag has photographed the – In just one hour you can reduce your anxiety levels and some heart health risk factors. A new study with 14 participants shows preliminary data that even – Astronomers using ESA’s XMM-Newton space observatory have probed the gas-filled haloes around galaxies in a quest to find ‘missing’ matter thought to reside there, but have come – Astronomers studying the motions of galaxies and the character of the cosmic microwave background radiation came to realize in the last century that most of the matter – A previously undocumented process where melting glacial ice sheets change the ocean in a way that further accelerates the rate of ice melt and sea level rise, – TESS (NASA’s Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite) is the first-ever spaceborne all-sky transit survey whose primary mission is to search for alien worlds outside of our Solar System. – To celebrate Hubble’s legacy and the long international partnership that makes it possible, each year ESA and NASA celebrate the telescope’s birthday with a spectacular new image. – An international team has uncovered the potential to beat obesity at the cellular level, characterizing for the first time a complex, little-understood receptor type that, when activated, – Using transmission electron microscopy, EPFL scientists have examined a slice from a meteorite that contains large diamonds formed at high pressure. The study shows that the parent – The origin of the Red Planet’s small moons has been debated for decades. Were these small moons perhaps asteroids captured intact by Mars gravity or whether the – A colossal galaxy cluster named PLCK G308.3-20.2 has been spotted by the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope. Galaxy clusters can contain thousands of galaxies all held together by – Extreme cold increased mortality and morbidity risks for people with cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, while extreme heat was risky for people with renal diseases, according to a – ESA’s Mars Express has taken images of a crater named Ismenia Patera on the Red Planet. Its origin remains uncertain: did a meteorite smash into the surface – A dozen black holes gathered around Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*), the supermassive black hole in the center of the Milky Way Galaxy have been detected by New – Scientists working on NASA’s Juno mission to Jupiter have released a 3-D infrared movie depicting densely packed cyclones and anticyclones that permeate the planet’s polar regions, and – Our emotional state in a given moment may influence what we see, according to a new study. Researchers found that participants saw a neutral face as smiling – Astronomers used the Murchison Widefield Array (MWA) telescope to listen to a mysterious cigar-shaped object that entered our Solar System late last year. The unusual object—known as ‘Oumuamua—came – Birds have an extraordinary ability to sense Earth’s magnetic field. This helps them to fly home from unfamiliar places and migrate, crossing entire continents. This ability – An elusive missing object hidden amid a complex tangle of gaseous filaments in the Small Magellanic Cloud, about 200,000 light-years from Earth has been discovered by astronomers
A. Sutherland – – Just like planets and moons, asteroids orbit the Sun and they have days and nights. During its orbit around the Sun, every part of – Dozens of giant footprints discovered on the coast of Isle of Skye, Scotland is rare evidence of the Middle Jurassic period, from which few dinosaur fossil sites – We could be swallowing more than 100 tiny plastic particles with every main meal, a Heriot-Watt study has revealed. The plastic, which can come from soft furnishings – The galaxy we inhabit, the Milky Way, may be getting even bigger, according to recent astronomical research. Researchers calculated that galaxies like the Milky Way are growing – Searching for objects located in deep space is not easy and it requires long time observations using telescopes. Now, the most distant individual star – named Icarus – As many as 72 extremely fast and bright celestial events that for now cannot be explained, have been observed by a team of astronomers. They are