– A strange, oblong interstellar object we known today as ‘Oumuamua, came from another star system and was observed for the first time by humans in October – A team of scientists has calculated the strength of the material deep inside the crust of neutron stars and found it to be the strongest known material
Eddie Gonzales Jr. – – Earth is not a perfect sphere. When it rotates on its spin axis an imaginary line that passes through the North and South – ESA’s star mapping mission, Gaia, has shown our Milky Way galaxy still experience continuing effects of a near collision that took place in the past 300–900 million – Sun-like stars (in similar mass and age) do indeed rotate in a similar manner as the Sun in that their equatorial regions rotate more rapidly than at mid-
Eddie Gonzales Jr. – – Scientists have come up with a very unusual glacial engineering plan that could limit sea-level rise. The idea is truly unorthodox, but researchers – A UK team of astronomers report the first detection of matter falling into a black hole at 30 percent of the speed of light, located in the – An unusual infrared light emission from a nearby neutron star detected by NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope could indicate new features never before seen. Could an unusual infrared
Cynthia McKanzie – – Jellyfish come in various shapes and forms, but some can be quite stunning, like this one discovered on a beach in Auckland, New Zealand. While – The line that separates stars from brown dwarfs may soon be clearer thanks to new work led by Carnegie’s Serge Dieterich. A new study demonstrate that brown
Eddie Gonzales Jr. – – Imagine trying to see something around a corner. This is easily done with mirrors, but imagine that light from the object can only reach the – Smile on your face doesn’t necessarily mean that everything in your life is perfect and you’re happy. In a new study led by body language expert Dr – An ancient ocean and a water cycle similar to Earth’s, has been discovered on Mars and it suggests that a large body of water did indeed cover the
Cynthia McKanzie – – Keeping a watching eye on all significant Earth changing events around the world is vital because this planet is our only home. In times when reports – Astronomers say that some remains of the supernova explosion may continue to shine for several years. Sometimes, the gaseous remains of the explosion slam into hydrogen-rich gas and
Eddie Gonzales Jr. – – Scientists have for centuries believed that England, Wales and Scotland were created by the merger of Avalonia and Laurentia more than 400 million – Why do some people stick to false beliefs when they are presented with hard evidence that shows the opposite? New study finds that feedback rather than hard – An unusual pair of asteroids – Patroclus and Menoetius – has been studied by scientists at Southwest Research Institute. They are around 70 miles wide and orbit around – Is it possible to transmit messages and speech through the skin? Now a method of sending messages in English by using vibrations on a person’s skin has been
Eddie Gonzales Jr. – – We see more and more robots in a variety of fields. These days artificial intelligence can be found in hospitals, hotel, restaurants at – Lunar swirls, beautiful features of the moon that are found on no other body in the solar system, may be caused by the interaction some 3
Eddie Gonzales Jr. – – Imagine a green Sahara where plants grow and rain falls. This was once the case in the distant past, when the Sahara Desert – A ring of black holes or neutron stars has been discovered in a galaxy 300 million light years from Earth. Astronomers used NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory and data reveals – Then, in 2006, a group of experts from the International Astronomical Union established a definition of a planet and according this new classification, Pluto lost its planet – Eating fruits is never wrong, unless you are allergic to something, and there are several healthy benefits of consuming for example apples. According to scientific studies, apples