Eddie Gonzales Jr. – MessageToEagle.com – The ‘three-body problem,’ the term coined for predicting the motion of three gravitating bodies in space, is essential for understanding a variety
Eddie Gonzales Jr. – MessageToEagle.com – Oxygen in the atmosphere may not be an entirely reliable ‘biosignature,’ but there are ways to distinguish false positives from signs of life,
A. Sutherland – AncientPages.com – Sarmizegetusa (today Gradistea Muncelului) County was the capital of pre-Roman Dacia, located in the Orastie Mountains, in present-day Romania. Before the wars with
Eddie Gonzales Jr. – MessageToEagle.com – Based on data from the Ingenuity Mars helicopter that arrived late Friday night, NASA has chosen to reschedule the Ingenuity Mars Helicopter’s
Eddie Gonzales Jr. – MessageToEagle.com – Astronomers used data from NASA’s Neutron star Interior Composition Explorer (NICER) telescope on the International Space Station and discovered X-ray surges accompanying radio bursts
Eddie Gonzales Jr. – MessageToEagle.com – The International LOFAR Telescope – a network of radio telescopes across Europe – has taken its first ‘pictures’, revealing a black hole
Eddie Gonzales Jr. – MessageToEagle.com – Hubble astronomers found a pair of quasars that are so close to each other they look like a single object in ground-based
Eddie Gonzales Jr. – MessageToEagle.com – The behavior of clouds and precipitation on planets beyond Earth is poorly understood. However, understanding clouds and precipitation is important for predicting
Eddie Gonzales Jr. – MessageToEagle.com – Astrophysicists at the Universities of Göttingen and Auckland simulate microscopic clusters from the Big Bang The very first moments of the Universe
Eddie Gonzales Jr. – MessageToEagle.com – Most of the carbon on Earth was likely delivered from the interstellar medium, the material that exists in space between stars in
Eddie Gonzales Jr. – MessageToEagle.com – Astronomers expect that NASA’s Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope will find thousands of planets using two different techniques as it surveys a
Eddie Gonzales Jr. – MessageToEagle.com –Enceladus, a tiny frozen ball about 500 kilometers in diameter (about 1/7th the diameter of Earth’s moon), is the sixth largest moon of
Eddie Gonzales Jr. – MessageToEagle.com – Within the solar system, X‐ray emissions have been detected from every planet except the Ice Giants: Uranus and Neptune. Now, astronomers have
Eddie Gonzales Jr. – MessageToEagle.com – An international group of researchers at CERN’s ALPHA collaboration, including UBC Physics & Astronomy scientists, have successfully cooled antimatter using lasers for the first
Eddie Gonzales Jr. – MessageToEagle.com – Researchers from the University of Melbourne and Monash University have uncovered a black hole approximately 55,000 times the mass of the sun,
Eddie Gonzales Jr. – MessageToEagle.com – In the first all-sky survey by the eROSITA X-ray telescope onboard SRG, astronomers at the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics have
Eddie Gonzales Jr. – MessageToEagle.com – Astronomers are now in a better position to interpret observations of supernova remnants thanks to computer simulations of these cataclysmic events by
Eddie Gonzales Jr. – MessageToEagle.com – Using light from the Big Bang, an international team led by Cornell University and the U.S. Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National
Eddie Gonzales Jr. – MessageToEagle.com – A 2020 explosion in Lebanon’s port city of Beirut led to a southward-bound, high-velocity atmospheric wave that rivaled ones generated by volcanic
Eddie Gonzales Jr. – MessageToEagle.com – The Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) collaboration, which produced the first-ever image of a black hole, has revealed a new view of the
Eddie Gonzales Jr. – MessageToEagle.com – A researcher from Skoltech has filled in the gaps connecting quantum simulators with more traditional quantum computers, discovering a new computationally universal
Eddie Gonzales Jr. – MessageToEagle.com – Abell 78 is not only an unusual but also a very beautiful planetary nebula, located around 5,000 light-years away in the constellation
Eddie Gonzales Jr. – MessageToEagle.com – Observations of galactic rotation curves give one of the strongest lines of evidence pointing towards the existence of dark matter, a non-baryonic form
Eddie Gonzales Jr. – MessageToEagle.com –For 50 years, the so-called Odderon particle has been hunted unsuccessfully. Now, a Swedish-Hungarian research group has discovered the mythical particle with the
Eddie Gonzales Jr. – MessageToEagle.com – Using the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA), in which the European Southern Observatory (ESO) is a partner, a team of astronomers has