– Spirituality plays an important part in many peoples’ daily life. For years scientists have wondered whether there is a particular place in the brain, a so-called “God – The mysterious functions of our mind and brain have long fascinated expert. Although we gain knowledge regularly and are unlocking the secrets of our mind, there are – Have you ever had the feeling you just know what is going to happen? Many people have experienced so called “pre-feelings” and ability to anticipate the near – There are people who have demonstrated our bodies can withstand extreme temperatures. One such person is the Dutchman Wim Hof who possesses extraordinary ability to withstand below – The term déjà vu is used to describe a feeling, or impression that you have already witnessed or experienced a current situation. Coined in 1876 by the – Encephalitis Lethargica is the name of a mysterious and horrifying epidemic of the 20th century. The baffling disease has long been considered one the biggest medical mystery – Every ordinary person living in our modern stressful society has problems, worries, doubts. We often seek guidance how to deal with daily problems by talking to friends, – Will a map of the brain be able to decode people’s inner thoughts? Where exactly are the words in your head? Scientists have created an interactive map – Everyone has a different mixture of personality traits: some are outgoing, some are tough and some are anxious. Now, researchers have focused on understanding how intelligence is shaped – He has been called the “Human Camera”. His mind is unique and his photographic memory allows him to remember everything he has seen. When ordinary people visit – Who says geniuses are not being born these days? Every now and then we come across an extraordinary person who can perform incredible tasks at a – Most of us have troubles remembering what we did last month or even a week ago. We have to write things down to remember, but there are – Hypnosis is a very effective treatment in a variety of phobias. However, not everyone is able to be hypnotized, according to researchers at the Stanford University School – Sooner or later everything dies. That is natural process we are all accustomed to, but not everyone is able to accept the end of life. The
Ellen Lloyd – – Some years ago, it would be almost impossible to discuss the existence of so-called energy vampires in our society. Today more and more psychologists, – Has a new remarkable wonder-child been born? Ramses Sanguino, a 5-year-old American boy from Los Angeles, USA, has displayed a number of unusual abilities. He has stunned – What is life? How does it come about? What exactly is the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe and everything? These phenomena are just – How can these people who lived in entirely different times look almost identical? The belief in reincarnation can be found in many cultures around the world. – Would you like to live forever? What do you think about the idea that your conscious mind will be uploaded into a hologram? How far should – To the ancient Aboriginal people of Australia the “dreaming world” was just as real as the physical world. Dreams have fascinated humanity for as long as anyone – You don’t have to be a Buddhist to appreciate the knowledge and wisdom of the Far East. The teachings of Buddha can easily be applied to
A. Sutherland – – You drink water with a memory! Try to drink as clean water as possible. The true nature of water, which is the source – Those experiencing interrupted or disturbed sleep should do an “audit” of their dwelling place because restless slumber can be an indication that the area is being
Ellen Lloyd – – Have you ever wondered what happens after death? If so, you are certainly not alone. Ever since the beginning of time people all – Through the ages, women have suffered greatly because of wars. To protect themselves and their offspring, our female ancestors may have evolved survival strategies specific to