– Based the details of last year’s discovery of the Higgs boson particle, scientists make a statement that the universe we live in has a limited life span – A century ago, one of the most spectacular astronomical sights ever recorded lit up the skies when a grand procession of meteors blazed their way through the – Vega is a star astronomers have used as a touchstone to measure other stars’ brightness for thousands of years. Vega is the fifth brightest star in the – Some forces in the Universe are almost beyond comprehension. Astronomers are reporting the biggest black hole blast ever seen. The detected monster outflow is about 100 – “We report the first detection of magnetic fields associated with the Smith High Velocity Cloud… The presence of the magnetic field may contribute to the survival of – It remains a cosmic mystery. Scientists are still unable to determine the origin of a mysterious energy impact from space. Some time between AD 774 and – Scientists have been trying to determine the origin of gigantic troughs on asteroid Vesta since their discovery just last year. A new analysis supports the notion that – Are we just a computer simulation? Who or what is the creator? More and more scientists are now seriously considering the possibility that we might live in – Astronomers found molecules of glycolaldehyde, a simple form of sugarin the gas surrounding a young binary star, with similar mass to the Sun, called IRAS 16293-2422. Glycolaldehyde – Imagine a dark Universe with no stars, no planets, and no galaxies. In 100 billion years astronomers could be out of work because there are no celestial – They say there is no way to escape your fate. That is certainly true for Cupid and Belinda, two of the mysterious inner moons of Uranus that – The universe is expanding and accelerating, and collisions between galaxies located in close proximity to each other still happen. They are hardly a surprise because galaxies are – There is a strange alien planet orbiting an orange dwarf star in the constellation Monoceros bordered by the constellations of Canis Minor, Gemini, Hydra, Lepus, Orion – Astronomers have for several years considered star cluster M 67 located 2700 light years away, as a possible origin of our Sun. This leading and commonly accepted – These objects are a new class of stars with luminosities of much more massive stars. Astronomers say that the strange stars are too cool to be ordinary – We have previously seen that auroras on alien worlds can be really magnificent and these latest images show the lights also can be very unique. For the first time, – The Universe is full remarkable wonders that challenge our imagination and TrES-2b is one of them. To say that TrES-2b is a dark planet is an understatement. – The Universe is full of many strange and incredible things. Recently astronomers announced they discovered that warp-speed planets can actually zoom through space at a few percent of the – The mysterious force is responsible for the accelerating expansion of the universe, according to analysis of data from the 10-meter South Pole Telescope (SPT). The data strongly – A group of European astronomers has discovered an ancient planetary system that is likely to be a survivor from one of the earliest cosmic eras, 13 billion – Warped planets are some of the fastest objects in the Milky Way and they zoom through space near the speed of light. Some years ago astronomers were – Though the universe is filled with billions upon billions of stars, the discovery of a single variable star in 1923 altered the course of modern astronomy. – Hiding behind clouds of dust, quasars are among the most energetic objects in the universe, with some of them as luminous as ten thousand Milky Way – A massive asteroid collision with the Moon left behind an enormous crater on the lunar surface and may have contributed to the strong magnetic anomalies seen – New movies of Jupiter are the first to catch an invisible wave shaking up one of the giant planet’s jet streams, an interaction that also takes