A.Sutherland – MessageToEagle.com – On August 28, 1859, an enormous solar coronal mass ejection hit Earth’s magnetosphere and induced one of the largest geomagnetic storms on record. A
MessageToEagle.com – In 1943, an ancient papyrus was bought by the Cairo museum. It was written in Hieratic and although portions of it were eaten away by ants,
MessageToEagle.com – Ancient Irish people carved images of an ancient eclipse into giant stones over 5,000 years ago, on November 30, 3340 BC to be exact. This is the
A. Sutherland – MessageToEagle.com – Have you ever felt strange without really knowing why, shortly after a solar flare entered Earth’s atmosphere? According to scientists, solar flares do
MessageToEagle.com – Aboriginal legends could offer a vast untapped record of natural history, including meteorite strikes, stretching back thousands of years, according to new UNSW research. Dr Duane Hamacher
MessageToEagle.com – In modern science, the prevailing opinion supposes that whatever falls into a black hole disappears forever and breaks apart into the component parts. However, a new
MessageToEagle.com – A favorite theme of science fiction is “the portal”–an extraordinary opening in space or time that connects travelers to distant realms. A good portal is a shortcut,
MessageToEagle.com – It is a remarkable moment when an object of extraterrestrial origin has been discovered, but of course, it is certainly not something that happens every day. To
MessageToEagle.com – Among the hundreds of new planets discovered by NASA’s Kepler spacecraft are a class of exotic worlds known as “hot Jupiters.” Unlike the giant planets of our
MessageToEagle.com – Can you imagine humans living on another planet in 1000 years? If Stephen Hawking is right, we must begin to set up colonies as soon as possible
MessageToEagle.com – Could this stone be the first meteorite from Mercury ever found? Early in 2012, someone in Southern Morocco picked up 35 greenish stones, including the one shown
MessageToEagle.com – We say that time flies, it marches on, it flows like a river—our descriptions of time are closely linked to our experiences of moving through space.
MessageToEagle.com – Using data from an aging NASA spacecraft, researchers have found signs of an energy source in the solar wind that has caught the attention of fusion researchers.
MessageToEagle.com – Based the details of last year’s discovery of the Higgs boson particle, scientists make a statement that the universe we live in has a limited life span
MessageToEagle.com – A century ago, one of the most spectacular astronomical sights ever recorded lit up the skies when a grand procession of meteors blazed their way through the
MessageToEagle.com – Vega is a star astronomers have used as a touchstone to measure other stars’ brightness for thousands of years. Vega is the fifth brightest star in the
MessageToEagle.com – Some forces in the Universe are almost beyond comprehension. Astronomers are reporting the biggest black hole blast ever seen. The detected monster outflow is about 100
MessageToEagle.com – “We report the first detection of magnetic fields associated with the Smith High Velocity Cloud… The presence of the magnetic field may contribute to the survival of
MessageToEagle.com – It remains a cosmic mystery. Scientists are still unable to determine the origin of a mysterious energy impact from space. Some time between AD 774 and
MessageToEagle.com – Scientists have been trying to determine the origin of gigantic troughs on asteroid Vesta since their discovery just last year. A new analysis supports the notion that
MessageToEagle.com – Are we just a computer simulation? Who or what is the creator? More and more scientists are now seriously considering the possibility that we might live in
MessageToeagle.com – Astronomers found molecules of glycolaldehyde, a simple form of sugarin the gas surrounding a young binary star, with similar mass to the Sun, called IRAS 16293-2422. Glycolaldehyde
MessageToEagle.com – Imagine a dark Universe with no stars, no planets, and no galaxies. In 100 billion years astronomers could be out of work because there are no celestial