Angela Sutherland – – In Egyptian mythology, Wadjet is a goddess depicted as a cobra and worshiped in Lower Egypt. Wadjet was represented in the form of a
Ellen Lloyd – – Many Native American tribes have legends about secret underground worlds that their ancestors once inhabited. In some accounts, these subterranean realms are so
Ellen Lloyd – – In ancient Egyptian mythology, Zep Tepi can be translated as the ‘First Time.’ It was during Zep Tepi Gods established their kingdom on
Angela Sutherland – – Unlike mythologies from other ancient cultures, there are not many terrible creatures in Egyptian mythology. The only most frightening monster was a gigantic
Ellen Lloyd – – The Biblical story of the Tower of Babel in Genesis explains why people speak different languages. The Choctaw, a Native American Indian tribe
A. Sutherland – – In ancient Egyptian religion, Ra (Re) was the god of the sun and creation, who was born each morning in the East and
Ellen Lloyd – – Stories of mysterious beings who dwell in secret underground worlds are common among many Native American tribes. Who these subterranean people were remains
A. Sutherland – – A primeval goose is closely related to some ancient Egyptian gods. One of them is Gengen-Wer, a primeval Egyptian goose god who symbolizes
A. Sutherland – – According to surviving clay tablet, dated by the scribe who wrote around 2125 BC during the reign of King Utukhegal of Erech (Uruk),
A. Sutherland – – In the religion of the ancient Egyptians, Nefertum (in Greek: Iphtimis) is the personification of the refreshing and most beautiful smell, which, according
A. Sutherland – – In Greek mythology, Ares was the god of war and violence but was not nearly as prominent in ancient Greece as his counterpart
Ellen Lloyd – – Once the wheel of misfortune has been set in motion, it can be challenging to stop it from spinning. Tragedies have an uncanny
A. Sutherland – – Two-faced deities were worshipped in many different cultures. Today we describe the Roman god Janus, who was believed to be the ‘god of
Willow Winsham – – There is nothing more calming than sitting beside a nice stretch of water, gazing out into the distance and letting your mind be
A. Sutherland – – In the Prose Edda book “Gylfaginning,” an Icelandic historian, poet, and politician, Snorri Sturluson (1179-1241) described the goddess Lofn, who “let people live together, women and
A. Sutherland – – In “Theogony,” a Greek poet Hesiod who likely lived around 700 BC, tells about Hypnos, the god of sleep, and his twin brother,
A. Sutherland – – In Chibcha (Muisca) mythology, Huitaca was the rebel goddess of drunkenness, widely known as the goddess of lust. She was a beautiful woman
A. Sutherland – – If you were to ask a random passerby on the street what the most fantastic creatures are, he/she would most certainly say –
A. Sutherland – – The Arimaspians were a tribe of horsemen of normal human size but with only one eye, located in the middle of their forehead. Based
Jan Bartek – – Most of us have a beloved mythological character we remember from childhood. Whether it is Snow White, Mickey Mouse, Big Bad Wolf, Pinocchio,
A. Sutherland – – In the world of folklore and storytelling, swords were companions to the heroes, and the spirit of each blade was very sensitive to
A. Sutherland – – It is a literary work that has inspired numerous works of art through the centuries and is considered one of the most touching
Ellen Lloyd – – Standing on a spectacular hilltop in Glen Nevis, to the west of Ben Nevis we find Dun Deardail, a mysterious, ancient vitrified Scottish fort. Why
A. Sutherland – – In Chinese mythology, Qilin is one of the “Four Benevolent Animals” that include the tortoise, the dragon, and the phoenix. All four noble
Ellen Lloyd – – Most people in the Western world interested in vampires are familiar with Dracula whose story was inspired by Vlad III, a Prince in