Question: Which comet has the longest tail ever recorded? Answer: Comet Hyakutake holds the record of having the longest tail, at a length of 560 million kilometers. This record
Question: Is there a planet in the Universe that experiences glass storms? Answer: Planet HD 189733b is located 63 light-years away. This “blue marble” alien planet resembles Earth
Question: Why Is Our Ocean Considered A Mystery? Answer: 95% of the ocean is a mystery. Water covers about 70% of our planet. Unfortunately, we’ve only been able to explore
Question: Are we really made of stardust? Answer: Yes, we are all made of stardust. Everything we are and everything in the universe and on Earth originated from stardust, and
Question: What causes lightning to be colored rather than the usual white or blue? Answer: Lightning can appear to be many different colors. It depends on what the
Question: Do some people really think they are dead? Answer: Yes, a number of people actually believe they are dead. The Cotard delusion, also known as the Walking
Question: What colors can newborn babies see? Answer: Newborn babies can only see in black, white and gray. At one week after birth, they can see red, orange, yellow
Question: How many Earths could fit inside the Sun? Answer: The sun is nearly a perfect sphere. Its equatorial diameter and its polar diameter differ by only 6.2
Question: How long does human brain develop? Answer: Until around a decade ago many scientists assumed that the human brain stopped developing in early childhood. New research shows the – It’s a strange and very complicated creature – bacteria or rather super bacteria! It can live in super extreme conditions like drought, radiation, heat and overcrowding. It’s