– Controversy of King Tutankhamun’s tomb is continues. Experts have disagreed on whether ongoing radar scans would reveal the existence of a hidden burial chamber within King – Archaeologists excavating in Egypt think they have discovered new evidence suggesting the existence of a temple to 30th dynasty King Nektanebo I (380-363 BC) in the Matariya district – Frescoes discovered in ancient Egyptian temples illustrating daily life reveal men often wore makeup. In facts, it’s almost impossible to find a portrait of an ancient Egyptian
A. Sutherland – – Leprechauns are mainly found in Irish folklore. A Leprechaun means in Irish: leipreachán. It is one of the most famous creatures of Irish
A.Sutherland – – The famous Terrace of the Lions on Delos that dates to 3,000 BC, was erected north of the sanctuary of Apollo overlooking the Sacred – Holger Danske, also called Holger or Ogier the Dane was a fearsome Viking warrior. His entire life, from birth to death is shrouded in mystery. According to ancient legends Holger – The mysterious 11,000-year-old Tower of Jericho was an impressive ancient structure. It was the world’s first skyscraper that over the years has inspired a number of theories about – The Calusa, known as the Shell Indians lived on the sandy shores of the southwest coast of Florida. Calusa means “fierce people,” and they were war-like people. -Although they might seem like a modern invention, the truth is that alarm clocks were invented a long time ago, by ancient Greeks. The basic idea of – An amateur archeologist in Finland has made an extraordinary discovery of a three-headed eagle pendant on the Pohdonsaari Island. The pendant is from the Iron Age and – The thirteenth-century Mongolian prince, Kublai Khan, was one of the most powerful people in the history of mankind. Kublai Khan was the grandson of the great Mongol
Ellen Lloyd – – Small statues of Jin Chan, the Golden Toad, a legendary animal of the Han people can be seen in many places around China. It’s – There is a deeper meaning behind the Vatican City State’s flag. The flag is made up of two fields, vertically divided in half: the yellow half flies – ‘Tlatoani’ (literally means ‘speaker’, but may be translated into English as “king”), was an official to whom all household heads owed allegiance, respect, and tax obligations. ‘Tlatoani’ had – Six beautiful lifelike statues of animals have been unearthed from a military commander’s tomb in Ningbo, Zhejiang province. The stone-carved statues include two tigers, two sheep and – Analyses of ancient DNA from prehistoric humans paint a picture of dramatic population change in Europe from 45,000 to 7,000 years ago, according to a new study – Two millennia ago, horse racing was a very popular spectator sport for people in Turkey. A tablet discovered in central Anatolia shows how the rules for horse – Has one of the most ancient air conditioning systems been discovered? There are certain indications, it could very well be the case. Using modern 3D methodology archaeologists wanted – Archaeologists excavating near the village of Shekshovo in Suzdal, Russia have discovered a unique ancient axe with marks of the Viking chief Rurik. Rurik, also spelled Rorik or Hrorekr, was a – Archaeologists have discovered a rare Etruscan sacred text in an ancient temple. The Etruscans were one of the most religious people of the ancient world. Now, – Ancient Persians were familiar with chemical warfare 2,000 years ago. Researchers who examined an ancient grave filled with Roman soldiers believe they have found oldest archaeological – The magnificent Borobudur is the world’s largest Buddhist shrine. It was constructed in the 8th and 9th centuries AD during the reign of the Syailendra Dynasty, a prominent, – The identity of The Man in the Iron Mask is undoubtedly among the most fascinating historical mysteries. But perhaps it is no longer a mystery. Now, after – The Man of Altamura is the most ancient Neanderthal ever discovered. The fossilzed skeleton was found in 1993 in the karstic cave of Lamalunga, near the town of – Archaeologists excavating in the city of Linköping, Sweden have made a unique discovery. Inside a 1,000-year-old grave they found the body of the last Viking who lived